Thursday, 4 May 2017

Forex Trade Room Michael Storm Homer

Trend Following Investment Research: Pacote Flagship 8220People don8217t quer mais informações. Eles estão de acordo com seus olhos em informações. Eles querem fé. Fé em você, seus objetivos, seu sucesso e na história que você diz.8221 Ótimo conselho Não deve custar uma fortuna A verdade sobre o investimento não é o que eles ensinam na escola ou o que seu corretor sabe: os fundamentos do mercado nunca podem ser completamente conhecidos. Previsões de especialistas financeiros não são melhores do que uma moeda-flip. Os fundos mútuos que lucram apenas com a reversão implodem quando os mercados caem. Long apenas os agentes de bolsa e os fundos de investimento vêem os investidores como marcas. As taxas de fundos de ações são uma grande fraude que custará uma fortuna ao longo da vida. As taxas de juros zero ou negativas fazem parte de um sistema de manipulação permanente. A grande maioria das análises técnicas e da leitura de gráficos é voodoo. Os governos globais trabalham ativamente contra os interesses dos aposentados e dos aforradores. Wall Street irá engendrar o próximo crash do mercado exatamente como o último. Um conselho sem valor foi a resposta padrão a esses problemas. Michael Covel inovou algo inteiramente novo para a indústria. Passando uma incrível quantidade de tempo, pesquisa e dinheiro, ele desenvolveu sistemas de negociação que solucionam esses problemas. Suas regras de investimento funcionam de forma igual em todos os mercados e em todos os países, você pode trocar de uma ilha deserta. Eles dão a chance de ganhar muito dinheiro em touro. Urso . Mercados de cisnes negros e acidentes. Tudo começou com as verdades essenciais transmitidas por um mentor brilhante: ninguém pode prever o futuro. Se você pode tomar o futuro, poderia ser, deveria estar fora dos mercados e olhar para o que realmente está acontecendo, você tem uma grande vantagem. O que mais importa pode ser medido, então conte sempre. Você não precisa saber quando alguma coisa acontecerá saber que isso acontecerá. Os preços só podem subir, descer ou de lado. As perdas são parte da vida. Só existe agora 8230, então siga a tendência. Trend Following Flagship é a solução passo a passo do Michael8217s para gerar retornos maciços em todos os mercados. O trabalho duro foi feito Michael faz o trabalho tedioso e classifica através dos dados brutos para encontrar os insights mais importantes que você precisa saber e entender sobre Tendência Seguindo o investimento. Você recebe sua melhor Tendência Seguindo recomendações e idéias para se candidatar a sua conta para o lucro potencial imediatamente: Garantia. Você saberá quando entrar, quando sair, quanto apostar em cada comércio e como selecionar um portfólio. Garantido . Leia a garantia completa aqui. Um de cada tipo . Os pontos de vista estão em todo o assunto estreito das Tendências sistemáticas seguidas. Seu Flagship é um esforço contínuo de pesquisa para reunir excelentes técnicas de negociação de tendências. Melhor na turma . Trend Os seguintes sistemas são diretos dos lendários comerciantes de tendências. Essas regras de propriedade estão rooteadas em uma rede sem paralelo. Seu tempo é valioso. Vozes conflitantes e conflitantes 247 na mídia convencional. Escolha a voz errada e você pode entrar em pedaços. Você recebe instrução passo a passo. Concorrência . Muitos dos chamados especialistas do mercado são simplesmente informações gratuitas. Os dados sozinhos não vão a lugar nenhum. Não há análise. Não há sabedoria. Trend Following Flagship responde perguntas que você deve saber: Portfolio. Em que mercado você compra ou vende o dimensionamento de apostas. Quanto de um mercado você troca Entrada. Quando você compra ou vende uma saída de mercado. Quando você sai de uma saída de saída perdida. Quando você sai de um negócio vencedor Disse de outra forma: Qual é o estado do mercado Qual é a volatilidade do mercado Qual é a sua equidade negociada Qual é a sua orientação comercial Qual é a sua aversão ao risco Não se engane, Tendência A seguir é esporte mental , No entanto, é esporte que pode ser aprendido, ou seja, o TurtleTraders. Você não precisa ser um genio de matemática para ser um comerciante da tendência seguinte. Boas regras comerciais não são complicadas. 8220I8217m muito desconfortável com o comércio de caixa preta onde I8217m lidando com algoritmos que eu não sei entender. Tudo o que fazemos, podemos fazer na parte de trás de um envelope com um lápis.8221 Seguidor de tendências famosas na simplicidade (histórico de 40 anos) Um gráfico de chave demonstra nossas aulas de tendência seguinte: Tendência após o processo de negociação Por exemplo, suponha que o GOOG negocie entre 650 E 670. De repente, o GOOG salta, ou explora, para um nível de preço de 700. Esse tipo de movimento ascendente de um intervalo é um trigger8211 a entrada. Você pode dizer, 8220I não sei se GOOG vai continuar, mas isso aconteceu durante seis meses e, de repente, o preço saltou para 700, fazendo um novo máximo de seis meses. Você não discute com o mercado, você apenas diz I8217m em.8221, tendência de That8217s, depois de pensar. Considere este gráfico: Tendência seguindo os mercados de gráficos vencedores que você pode negociar. Nossos sistemas podem ser usados ​​para os seguintes mercados e instrumentos: os mercados e os instrumentos listados são exemplos. A tendência seguinte é para todos os mercados. Mercados de amostras para trocar você aprenderá regras exatas Nossos sistemas de tendência seguem resposta: Como você entra e sai em todos os momentos Como você automatiza sua negociação Como você coloca paradas para cada posição Como você ajusta para quando as negociações estão ganhando Como você tira uma perda para evitar uma perda maior Como você equilibra posições longas e curtas Como você ajusta trades para novos lucros acumulados Como você contabiliza a volatilidade Como você ajusta seu portfólio durante uma série de conquistas Como você ajusta o risco? À medida que sua conta cresce Como você se protege contra movimentos de extrema desvantagem Como você ajusta suas posições para a volatilidade Como você lida com o componente psicológico Como você escolhe um portfólio Tendência Os seguintes sistemas foram engenharia reversa: como você troca com a tendência e Nunca ignore. Como você modelo o comportamento dos grandes comerciantes. Como você gerencia e abraça o risco com um plano oportunista? Como você usa uma lista de verificação para quantificar você? Seu plano de negociação Como você troca o preço do today8217s apenas Como você evita comprar mercados em declínio Como você sabe quando ficar fora do mercado Como você sabe quando vender antes de comprar Como você planeja mentalmente o seu pior: Cenário de caso em todos os momentos Como você identifica um portfólio e classifica-os para seleção Como você troca com uma pequena conta Quanto você troca todas as vezes Quando você aumentará sua posição Quanto você arrisca sempre Como você avalia o total Risco de mercado Como você diversifica sua conta Como você evita a correlação entre os mercados Em suma, a tendência que segue os comerciantes não só comercializa grande potencial de dinheiro nos mercados ascendentes, descendentes e surpresos8211, eles também gerenciam seu potencial de perda e controle mais do seu tempo livre. Conteúdo do produto principal O produto Flagship chega em (4) peças: manuais do núcleo FEDEX. Vídeos do Vimeo. Dropbox com manuais adicionais, áudio e vídeo. Suporte: suporte personalizado por e-mail. Conteúdo detalhado do produto: Sistemas de tendência de tendência proprietária Você receberá sistemas de negociação de Tendência seguidos: Sistema de Negociação de Tendência Clássica I Trend. Classic II Trend After Trading System. Classic III Trend After Trading System. Tendência semanal Stoic após o sistema de negociação. Nota: Gerenciamento de risco para todos os sistemas ajustáveis ​​à sua tolerância ao risco. Recursos adicionais na Tendência Seguindo a Dropbox A Tendência A seguir ao Dropbox é uma compilação de recursos que oferece mais lições e sistemas de tendências. White PaperResources de terceiros (somente Flagship) Folhas de cálculo EXCEL (Flagship Only) (5) Planilhas EXCEL para volatilidade. (5) planilhas EXCEL para correlação. (4) planilhas EXCEL para logs de negociação. (4) planilhas EXCEL para gerenciamento de riscos. Materiais de treinamento (somente Flagship) Tendência Após perguntas e respostas (44 páginas). Noções básicas de mercado para introdução, pedidos, especulação, nomenclatura, etc. (300 QA). Tendência de terceiros seguindo excertos de vídeo (14 vídeos). Excertos de vídeo de terceiros com seguidores de tendências principais (11 vídeos). Nossa equipe de suporte responde 95 de e-mails dentro de 24-48 horas. Todos os clientes têm acesso a suporte por 12-18 meses. Como com seu CPA ou advogado, você obtém as respostas necessárias. Isso é construído diretamente no preço da Flagship. Sem taxas adicionais de suporte. Você também pode aprender Tendência Seguindo em qualquer lugar: escritório, casa ou na estrada. Você sempre saberá: Qual é a oportunidade de mercado no nicho de mercado Qual é a sua solução para vencer o mercado Quão grande é a oportunidade Como você ganha dinheiro Como você troca o mercado e ganha o lucro Qual é a melhor maneira de como você vai? Você executa e gerencia o seu investimento. Quais são os seus riscos? Por que você conseguirá? A desinformação gratuita online é esmagadora. É um campo minado. Os clientes fiéis de Michael8217s confiam nele para ver o ruído. Nota . Os novos comerciantes recebem noções básicas de negociação (ou seja, recomendações de livros, questões a considerarem inevitáveis, Holy Grails expostos, recomendações de corretores, leitura sábia de fundo, sites para absorvente). Essas idéias dão aos novos comerciantes a confiança necessária. O que Everyone8217s diz que é uma estratégia para todos: novos investidores e comerciantes. Investidores e comerciantes profissionais e institucionais. Burned 8220 compra e hold8221 investidores que procuram uma alternativa. Equities, FX (Forex), ETFs, commodities, LEAPs e comerciantes de futuros. Gerentes de fundos e RIAs. Comerciantes técnicos e chartists. Estudantes universitários. Aposentados prejudicados pelas políticas do banco central do ZIRP e NIRP. Qualquer um que procure lucros acima da média em mercados ascendentes, descendentes ou surpresos. A pesquisa sem precedentes do Michael8217s deixa os clientes ferozmente leais. Eles pagam diretamente por essa sabedoria fora da caixa. Não há agendas escondidas. Nota . Localização dos nossos clientes (principais países): EUA, Reino Unido, Alemanha, Singapura, Austrália, Brasil, África do Sul e Malásia. Nossos clientes por país (em 70 países), corporação e universidade confiam todos os investidores. Trend Following Philosophy You Will Learn In Flagship, you8217ll também aprende: Trading. Os comerciantes são diferentes. Eles têm uma estratégia definida para lucrar em todos os climas. Tendência seguindo os comerciantes não se importam com o que eles compram ou vendem enquanto ganham dinheiro. Retornos absolutos. Trend Following apresentou desempenho acima da média nas últimas 7 décadas. O potencial de riqueza composta é enorme. Tendências para cima e para baixo. Trend Following faz dinheiro em mercados de cima ou de baixo, touro ou urso. Risco de cauda. A estratégia de tendência única de Michael8217s é superior à média quando as bolhas de mercado pop, quando o Black Swan chega. Por exemplo, o seguimento da tendência resultou em dinheiro enorme durante o Stock Crash (197374), Black Monday (1987), Barings Bank (1995), LTCM amp Asian Crisis (1998), Stock Crash (2000-02), 911 (2001), ótimo Recessão (2008-09), Mercado do Petróleo (2014-16) e Brexit (2016). Diversificação do portfólio de eventos de Swan Black Swing. Tendência Os resultados a seguir não estão correlacionados com os investimentos tradicionais. Trabalha em Todos os Mercados. Trend Following doesn8217t trocam apenas um mercado. Mercados ineficazes. A Tendência A seguir é contra a sensação acadêmica das hipóteses dos mercados eficientes (EMH). Pesquisa . Trend Following tem lucrado durante séculos. Revise a pesquisa de terceiros: PDF 1 e PDF 2. Nurture Beats Nature. Os comerciantes vencedores não possuem um gene especial, presente divino, talento inato, conhecimento interno ou enorme capital inicial. Tudo flui . Os seguidores da tendência reagem aos movimentos do mercado e seguem em frente de uma história sobre o porquê. O pensamento estatístico é a Paramount. Durante um jogo de futebol de segunda-feira, Ron Jaworski colocou os números em perspectiva: 8220Escaram chamando é sobre probabilidade de não certeza.8221 Market Bubbles. A inundação mitológica de 100 anos acontece o tempo todo. Desde 1929, houve 18 colisões do mercado, cada vez mais enraizadas em exuberância irracional. Fundamentos são religião. Para parafrasear o comerciante Paul Tudor Jones: A ilusão foi criada que há uma explicação para cada movimento de mercado com a tarefa principal de encontrar essa explicação. Tendência A seguir não precisa de notícias, fundamentos ou padrões de gráficos. Não é dia comercial. O mercado nunca é errado. As pessoas pinho continuam para o mercado para seguir sua direção, depois prossiga e reze para que devolva se isso não acontecer a seu favor. O mercado nunca está errado. Você precisa apostar para ganhar. Tenha um grande risco se quiser uma grande recompensa. Se você quer uma recompensa média, leve um risco médio. Sem bolas, sem bebês. No entanto, como Larry Hite disse, 8220Don8217t apostou seu deli para ganhar um pickle.8221 Process Beats Outcome. Você quer estar certo ou rico Você realmente não tem controle sobre os resultados que você tem controle sobre sua ação. Você só pode controlar o quanto você perde. Pense como Kenny Rogers. Se você deve jogar decidir sobre três coisas no início: as regras do jogo, as apostas e o tempo de desistir. Você precisou saber quando segurar 8217em. Saiba quando dobrar 8217em. Saiba quando se afastar. Saiba quando executar. Questões comportamentais. As lições dos melhores profissionais da psicologia comercial são parte do Trend Following. Veja o podcast. Aprenda a amar as perdas. P. T. Barnum disse com alegria, 8220Este caminho para a saída8221 Se o famoso comerciante Amos Hostetter perdeu 25 por cento da saída de He8217d: 8220. Nunca se ocupe do queijo. Deixe-me sair da armadilha.8221 Technology Is No Mistress. Disse Pablo Picasso, 8220. Os computadores são inúteis. Eles só podem dar-lhe respostas.8221 Comece por responder antecipadamente às suas perguntas diárias do mercado. Automatizar as respostas é a parte fácil. Zero Sum Battles Are Life. Se você vai ganhar, alguém perderá. A sobrevivência do mais forte torna-se desconfortável Mantenha-se fora do jogo da soma zero (PDF). Hero Worship Kills Accounts. Quando os especialistas em TV dizem que é hora de comprar o Google ou despejar a Apple, milhões seguem o conselho aleatório de forma cega. Don8217t beber o Kool-Aid. Comprar e segurar (Esperança) está morto. Compre e segure trabalhos para investidores que vivem para sempre. Também funciona para aqueles que acreditam no pensamento mágico e no pó de duende. Fundos mútuos e cosméticos: ambos vendem esperança. Sem Folhas de Balanço. Não importa se você estiver negociando ações ou soja: 8220Trading está sendo comercializado, e o nome do jogo é ganhar dinheiro, não obter um A em 8216 Como ler um balanço8221 Sem tops e partes inferiores. O objetivo da tendência é capturar o meio, ou a carne, de uma tendência de mercado, para cima ou para baixo, com fins lucrativos. Você nunca entrará no fundo absoluto ou sai no topo absoluto. Os mercados foram alterados Não só os mercados mudaram, mas continuarão a mudar: 8220Se você tiver uma filosofia de mercado válida, aprender a aceitar essa mudança e fluir com ela é o seu maior ativo. Não importa o quão ridículos movimentos do mercado aparecem no início, e não importa quão estendido ou irracional parecem no final, seguir as tendências é a escolha racional em um mundo caótico e em mudança.8221 That8217s como o dono dos Red Sox fez sua tendência seguindo fortuna. Realidade Real. 8220Se você quiser ganhar dinheiro em qualquer mercado, você precisa refletir sobre o que o mercado está fazendo. Outras coisas sendo iguais, quanto mais você permanecer bem com o mercado, mais dinheiro você fará. Quanto mais você ficar errado com o mercado, mais dinheiro perderá.8221 O preço faz com que os mercados sejam iguais. 8220 Você não precisa saber nada sobre títulos. Você não precisa entender moedas diferentes. Eles são apenas números. O milho é um pouco diferente dos títulos, mas não é diferente o suficiente para trocá-los de forma diferente. Algumas pessoas têm um sistema diferente para cada mercado. Isso é absurdo. Você está negociando psicologia da multidão. Você não está negociando milho, soja ou o SampP. Você está apenas negociando números .8221 Sem discrição. 8220Você não pode testar ou simular como você se sentiu quando saiu da cama há 15 anos quando você está olhando simulações históricas. Se você estiver trocando usando um sistema, você deve usar servilmente o sistema e evitar substituições discricionárias. Você faz o que quer que o sistema diga, não importa o quão inteligente ou estúpido que você pense, é nesse momento.8221 Apostas apropriadas. Se você tem 100.000 e quer trocar ouro, bem, quanto de seus 100.000 você trocará de ouro no seu primeiro comércio. Você trocará todos os 100.000? E se você estiver errado? E se você estiver errado de uma maneira grande e você perde todo seu total? 100,000 em uma aposta Não inteligente. Acordo pré-nupcial . O fator primordial quando o mercado vai contra você é dizer: 8220I8217m out8221 Você precisa de um acordo pré-nupcial com o mercado. Isso significa que o tempo para pensar com mais clareza sobre quando você vai sair é antes de você entrar. Home Run Trades. Uma tendência seguindo treinador de beisebol iria abordá-lo como o ex-gerente dos Orioles de Baltimore: 8220Earl Weaver projetou suas ofensas para maximizar a chance de um homer de três turnos. Weaver não bateu ou queria gente que bateu solteiros. Ele queria gente que bateu grandes corridas em casa.8221 The Babe Ruth Parallel. Babe Ruth marcou muito, mas ele era um dos melhores sluggers do baseball8217s. Sua casa corre para os pontapés. A Tendência A seguir capta as casas de casa de Babe Ruth 8230 8230. e quando as bolhas pop Trend Following faz fortunas. Armado sem diploma universitário, ele fez sua fortuna com a tendência de seguir e comprou os Red Sox. Seu Desafio Como você deve investir ou negociar melhor diante da incerteza constante Como você melhor trocar bolhas do mercado por lucro Essas são questões críticas. E milhares de clientes contrataram Michael por sua sabedoria para essas respostas. Agora, let8217s recuar e pensar em grande imagem. Nos últimos 15 anos, houve múltiplos booms e bustos. Houve manipulação do governo de resgates para flexibilização quantitativa (QE) para política de taxa de juros zero (ZIRP) para política de taxa de juros negativa (NIRP). Essas políticas asseguram que todos os mercados subam e baixem o tempo todo. Mas aqui está o truque: ninguém pode prever a direção do mercado. No entanto, não se preocupe. A previsão não é necessária para a tendência após o sucesso. Se você tem Trend Seguindo sistemas e treinamento, você pode ganhar dinheiro em mercados para cima ou para baixo. Por que um mercado em particular está se movendo, não é relevante para investimentos sólidos. O filósofo oriental Alan Watts conheceu a tendência seguindo as lições (mesmo que não intencional): a questão, o que devemos fazer sobre isso8221 só é solicitado por aqueles que não entendem o problema. Se um problema pode ser resolvido, entender isso e saber o que fazer sobre isso é a mesma coisa. Por outro lado, fazer algo sobre um problema que você não entende é como tentar limpar a escuridão empurrando-o para o lado com suas mãos. Quando a luz é trazida, a escuridão desaparece ao mesmo tempo. Superar o medo (e movê-lo para o rico) é ensinado em Michael8217s Tendência Seguindo o emblema: a clareza do propósito é o sucesso do investimento. Eliminar o ruído com regras precisas de tendências que se adaptem a qualquer situação, clima ou ciclo é o objetivo. Iniciando uma dieta informativa é obrigatória. Processos sistemáticos e consistentes superam as suposições fundamentais de cada vez. Seu investimento será como esse vídeo. O estresse no investimento é um assassino. O multitarefa com telas, notícias e previsões sem parar frite seu brain8211 garantido. Teremos que você se concentre na tarefa certa, não em todas as últimas tarefas. Considere esta infografia. Os rituais religiosos do governo, dos meios de comunicação e das finanças o sangrarão em seco: 8220CNBC realmente não pode se importar menos com o conteúdo atual do que está sendo dito. O objetivo do jogo do CNBC8217 é de vender anúncios. Nada maligno ou errado sobre isso. It8217s que companhias de mídia com fins lucrativos fazem. Mas o conteúdo que eles estão produzindo precisa ser entendido como tal.8221 A prática deliberada é obrigatória para a Tendência Seguindo a excelência. Ouça um podcast com o principal especialista do mundo 8217 no desempenho máximo. Trend Following não faz nada até ter um ótimo movimento com grande potencial de lucro. A paciência é primordial. Como esse vídeo. As autoridades governamentais globais do Estado profundo não querem que você pense. Eles querem você na Matriz: aqueles que dominam o sistema educacional controlam quem é aceito e quem é rejeitado, não por medida de inteligência ou habilidade, mas por sua vontade de se adequar ao ideal do estabelecimento. Eles construem uma espécie de classe de autômatos, que foi ensinado a não aprender de forma independente, mas a propagar papagaios sem questionar. Aqueles de nós que não fazem a série são relegados ao papel de adoradores obrigados, aceitando as reivindicações da classe profissional como evangelho, independentemente de quão incorretas elas aconteçam. A coisa toda é nojenta e consanguíneo. Agora, deixe8217s levar um pensamento inteligente um passo adiante. Considere um exemplo não comercial que explica a verdade do processo v. Resultado: Em vez de falar sobre vitórias e campeonatos, o treinador de futebol da Alabama, Nick Saban, fala sobre o processo. O processo é o termo de Saban8217 para se concentrar nas etapas do sucesso em vez de se preocupar com o resultado final. Em vez de pensar no painel de avaliação, pense em dominar o homem no lado oposto da linha de scrimmage. Em vez de pensar em um título de conferência, pense em terminar um nono representante na sala de musculação. Uma vez que Saban ganhou 5 dos últimos 13 títulos nacionais, a frase se transformou na declaração de missão para a filosofia de criação de programas de Saban8217. Hoje, todos estão tentando replicar sua filosofia e resultados. Ligue para o Sabanização do futebol universitário. Uma vez que você tenha um processo de Tendência Seguindo, ele se resume às suas tripas para jogar o jogo de maneira correta. O famoso investidor contrário Howard Marks fala com essa busca de grandeza: a verdadeira questão é se você se atreve a fazer as coisas necessárias para ser ótimo. Você está disposto a ser diferente, e você está disposto a estar errado? Para ter uma chance de bons resultados, você tem que estar aberto para ser ambos. A raça Trend Following para você está na conversa se você correr ou fingir que não há raça. Um dos ditos favoritos de Michael8217 pinta a imagem: todas as manhãs na África, uma gazela acorda. Sabe que deve correr mais rápido que o leão mais rápido ou será morto. Todas as manhãs, um leão acorda. Sabe que deve ultrapassar a gazela mais lenta ou morrerá de fome. Não importa se você é um leão ou uma gazela: quando o sol aparecer, você deve correr melhor. Michael mostra aos clientes os segredos para correr com Trend Following. As perguntas frequentes devem ser revistas. Perguntas Alcance e contate-nos. Pronto para comprar. Vá para o topo desta página e adicione o produto ao seu carrinho para efetuar o checkout. Michael Covel e Trend Following Legend em Londres Descartáveis ​​de Risco Trend Seguindo a can8217t prometerá que você ganhará os retornos de comerciantes, gráficos ou exemplos (reais ou hipotéticos) declarados. Todo o desempenho passado não é necessariamente uma indicação de resultados futuros. Os dados apresentados são para fins educacionais. Nossos produtos também são fornecidos apenas para fins informativos e não devem ser interpretados como conselhos de investimento personalizados. Todos os dados deste site são diretos da CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google e documentos de divulgação pelos gerentes mencionados neste documento. Tendência A seguir assume que todos os dados são precisos, mas não assume nenhuma responsabilidade por erros, omissões ou erros de clerical feitos por fontes. Nossos depoimentos são as palavras de clientes reais recebidos em correspondência real que não foram pagos pelos seus depoimentos. Os depoimentos às vezes são impressos sob alias para proteger a privacidade e editados por tempo. As reivindicações não foram verificadas ou auditadas de forma independente por precisão. Não sabemos quanto dinheiro foi arriscado, qual parte da carteira total foi alocada ou suas posições exatas. Não afirmamos que os resultados experimentados por esses clientes são típicos e você provavelmente terá resultados diferentes. Trend Following não está registrado como corretor de valores mobiliários ou um conselheiro de investimento. Esta informação não foi concebida para ser utilizada como um convite para investimento com qualquer consultor perfilado. Nenhuma informação aqui contida é como corretagem de valores mobiliários, investimento, imposto, contabilidade ou aconselhamento jurídico, como uma oferta ou solicitação de uma oferta para vender ou comprar, ou como um endosso, recomendação ou patrocínio de qualquer empresa, segurança ou fundo. Além disso, o Trend Following não pode e não avalia, verifica ou garante a adequação, exatidão ou integridade de qualquer informação, a adequação ou rentabilidade de qualquer investimento específico ou o valor potencial de qualquer fonte de investimento ou informação. O leitor é responsável por sua própria pesquisa e decisões de investimento, deve procurar o conselho de um profissional de valores mobiliários qualificado antes de fazer qualquer investimento e investigar e entender completamente todos os riscos antes de investir. Além disso, a Trend Following não garante, de forma alguma, a solvência, a condição financeira ou a conveniência de investimento de qualquer garantia ou instrumento. Além disso, a Trend Following não se responsabiliza por qualquer perda direta ou conseqüente decorrente de qualquer uso dessas informações. Esta informação não se destina a ser usada como base de qualquer decisão de investimento, nem deve ser interpretada como um conselho projetado para atender às necessidades de investimento de qualquer investidor particular. RESULTADOS DE DESEMPENHO HIPOTÉTICOS OU SIMULADOS TÊM CERTIFICADAS LIMITAÇÕES. SEM ENCONTRO UM REGISTRO DE DESEMPENHO REAL, RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NÃO REPRESENTAM NEGÓCIO REAL. TAMBÉM, DESDE QUE OS NEGÓCIOS NÃO FORAM EXECUTOS, OS RESULTADOS PODEM TER MESMO OU COMPENSADO PARA O IMPACTO, SE HAVER, DE CERTOS FATORES DE MERCADO, TAL COMO FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. PROGRAMAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO SIMULADOS EM GERAL SÃO TAMBÉM SUJEITOS AO FATO QUE ESTÃO DESIGNADOS COM O BENEFÍCIO DE HINDSIGHT. NENHUMA REPRESENTAÇÃO ESTÁ FAZENDO QUE QUALQUER CONTA VOCE OU POSSIBILIDADE DE ALCANÇAR O LUCRO OU PERDAS SIMILAR AOS MOSTRADOS. Perguntas freqüentes: P: Por favor, defina as tendências seguindo exatamente. A: Leia. Além disso, considere uma ilustração que pode torná-lo rico: o acompanhamento de tendências não seleciona fundos ou tops. Você sempre entra em uma tendência tardia e sai tarde. Você não pode prever uma tendência. Esse gráfico pode não parecer uma ótima estratégia à primeira vista, mas é a base de uma das idéias mais lucrativas da história da especulação do mercado: capture a carne do meio e você pode fazer uma fortuna. P: O seu produto Flagship vem com as recomendações A: Você saberá todas as negociações para todos os mercados em todos os momentos. Você ganhou, não precisa de atualizações em 8216, como você terá todos eles desde o início. A nossa tendência seguindo os sistemas irá dar-lhe as regras para os seus sinais comerciais em curso (o que alguns podem chamar de recomendações). P: A sua tendência é a negociação do sistema de caixa preta: A não é caixa preta. Todas as regras e filosofias ensinadas são totalmente divulgadas. Q: Requisitos para iniciar A: estes pré-requisitos são necessários antecipadamente ou ao mesmo tempo. Você também precisará de dados de preços diários e semanais. Perguntas: pergunte. P: Por que existem duas versões do seu produto A: o Flagship Premium leva você lá mais rápido. P: Quem é a tendência seguinte para A: Todos (quase): Todos os comerciantes novos ou privados que comercializam sua própria conta. Todos os tamanhos de conta. Hedge funds managers, commodity trading advisors, floor traders e locais. Comerciantes profissionais que procuram estabelecer negócios de gerenciamento de dinheiro. Aqueles que comercializam 401K, IRA ou outros veículos de aposentadoria. Aqueles que querem trocar todos os mercados com as mesmas regras. Aqueles que querem ganhar dinheiro em mercados de touro, urso e cisne negro. Isso é para novos comerciantes profissionais. É para os comerciantes que comercializam mercados globais e para aqueles que comercializam apenas os mercados do país de origem. É para aposentadoria, contas especulativas, Conselheiros de Investimento Registrados, gestores de fundos e estudantes universitários. Esta é uma verdadeira localização independente, o comércio de uma ilha deserta que comercializa oportunidades lucrativas. Aqueles que esperam milhões instantaneamente. Day traders. Pessoas que pensam que podem prever amanhã. P: Quais são os exemplos de desempenho A: por mais de cinco décadas, a tendência que acompanha os comerciantes produziu grandes lucros. P: Quando a tendência segue o trabalho A: Quando a tendência do mercado é a resposta curta. O objetivo de investimento de nossos programas de negociação é extrair lucros dos mercados de cisnes negros, raros ou surpreendentes, resultando em um fluxo de retorno acima da média. Todos os programas podem ser aplicados apenas para longo e longshort, e todas as regras são melhor aplicadas de forma sistemática. Pense nisso como uma máquina: Q: que tipo de mercados podem ser negociados A: os sistemas fornecidos são para ações, títulos, commodities, moedas (FX), energias, agricultura, metais e softs. Você pode negociar apenas ações, por exemplo Sim. Q: quais instrumentos de mercado podem ser negociados A: os sistemas fornecidos são para ETFs de ações (ações), opções de LEAPs e / ou futuros. Q: quão específico é seu produto A: Este serviço é uma tendência geral seguindo a educação do trader com tendências exatas seguindo sistemas que podem ser aplicados imediatamente à sua conta. Isso significa que você receberá: Regras exatas para selecionar seu portfólio de rastreamento. Regras exatas para inserir seus negócios no momento certo. Regras exatas para sair de suas negociações com uma perda no momento certo. Regras exatas para sair de seus negócios com lucro no momento certo. Regras exatas para quanto dinheiro apostar em cada comércio com base em sua situação única. P: Parece estranho que alguém esteja disposto a dar um processo que funcione. R: Não haverá adoção generalizada das regras que ensinamos. Por que as pessoas podem não se sentir à vontade quando aprendem, ou podem não gostar de usar regras desenvolvidas por outros. Talvez, eles adotem as regras que ensinamos e, em seguida, bastardize-os em outra coisa, porque momentaneamente se sente bem. Os mercados, a linha inferior, são enormes e com milhões de estratégias lá fora, o que ensinamos estará bem. Além disso, pense nas tartarugas. Pense em todos os seguidores das tendências com décadas de tendências seguindo os resultados comerciais. A maioria das pessoas não quer mudar para algo bom. Eles estão bem com resultados medíocres. A maioria das pessoas está feliz perdendo. Esta questão também é abordada no último capítulo do livro Trend Following. P: Seus sistemas comerciais são apenas Turtle A: Michael Covel8217s The Complete TurtleTrader explica a história da tartaruga e o sistema em detalhes. É o recurso definitivo da tartaruga, mas nossos sistemas e treinamento Flagship vão muito mais longe. Sistemas avançados, exemplos e interação humana com Michael e seus funcionários, o elemento de ensino ao vivo no Flagship, é uma experiência totalmente diferente. Q: Qual é a diferença entre seus livros e sistemas 038 treinamento A: Os livros são ótimos recursos preenchidos com milhares de detalhes, e eles ajudaram muitas pessoas a aprender, mas nossos sistemas e treinamento com suporte são diferentes. As perguntas surgem. As pessoas precisam de ajuda. A instrução pessoal dá insights. Além disso, muitos sistemas comerciais comerciais estão incluídos (não nos livros). Q: A negociação de tendências é apenas para os EUA A: Nossos clientes estão em 70 países negociando em trocas entre a Europa e Ásia para o Oriente Médio para a América do Sul para a América do Norte. P: São seus sistemas e treinamento para o investidor individual A: Muitos de nossos clientes são simplesmente indivíduos que comercializam sua própria conta. Muitos não têm experiência. Alguns têm experiência, mas o tipo errado. Seja 21 e na faculdade. 30 anos trabalhando no trabalho, ou idade 60 na aposentadoria, você pode aprender tendência após a negociação. P: São seus sistemas e treinamento para profissionais do mercado A: Nossos sistemas e treinamento também são usados ​​por comerciantes experientes em todo o mundo. Hedge funds managers para CTAs para CFAs para corretores de CMTs para consultores financeiros em todos os continentes. P: Como seus sistemas e treinamento montaram A: Os grandes comerciantes, juntamente com suas regras de negociação, não são facilmente acessados. It8217s é um clube muito fechado. No entanto, Michael Covel dedicou sua vida a montar seus sistemas de negociação e aulas (como resultado de seu ensino direto). A Covel passou os últimos 15 anos no interior aprendendo com os melhores comerciantes do nosso tempo. Veja seus mentores. Q: The top end of your trading system is not inexpensive. A: Paying for trading education is far less expensive than losing a fortune with no trading plan (which many do). Our price is negligible if you consider it an investment in your future wealth. Q: Can systems in the training be applied to shorter time frames like hourly or 4-hour charts A: No. Day trading is fool8217s gold. Our systems and training will be worth millions to you over a lifetime if you simply understand that day trading is a mirage. More on the subject: Read . Q: The right exit strategy A: Applying explicit exit rules to limit damage during market declines is the name of the game. Survival That means having an exit strategy for all of your positions at all times. That means deliberately, consistently and mechanically cutting losses short while letting your winners run. Q: This is for retirement accounts A: You can trade equities, futures and ETFs in retirement accounts (401ks, IRAs, Keoghs, Seps, etc.). Q: Trend following works on stocks A: Yes. 100. Trend following is not instrument specific. Trend followers can and do trade all types of instruments. Some trade futures. Some trade ETFs. Some trade LEAPSreg options. Some trade commodities. For example, today trend following traders can trade ETFs and get exposure to stock and commodities markets without having to trade futures. You will learn the best option for your situation. Q: Is trend following risky A: Life is risky. You might get hit by a car crossing the street. However, if you have a concrete plan, risk can be managed. Q: Do university classes assist in trend following education A: Most finance departments either are unaware of trend following or ignore it. Many of the greatest traders had little to no experience trend trading before starting. Trend following legend John W. Henry (owner of Boston Red Sox), for example, did not have a college degree. Q: Speak to behavioral biases . A: Trend following handles the biases: Q: How much math is involved in trend following for success A: The basics: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Some will have more understanding, and that is fine too. Q: Do trend followers watch screens during market hours A: Some trend followers only trade once a week using weekly bars. Day trading is not trend following. There is no need to watch the screen during market hours. Q: How much time is required to trade as a trend following trader A: You can spend a minute or two per market each day. For example, you check prices in the evening, then with one trade in the morning, you place or change any orders in accordance with rules. Flagship trend following trading systems use daily data to determine buy and sell signals. Orders can be placed before the market opens and do not need hourly monitoring. Most top traders manage their trades in 10 to 30 minutes per day. Trend follower Richard Donchian once said: 8220If you trade on a definite trend-following loss limiting-method, you can trade without taking a great deal of time from your regular business day. Since action is taken only when certain evidence is registered, you can spend a minute or two per market in the evening checking up on whether action-taking evidence is apparent, and then in one telephone call in the morning place or change any orders in accord with what is indicated. Furthermore a definite method, which at all times includes precise criteria for closing out one8217s losing trades promptly, avoids8230emotionally unnerving indecision.8221 Each day you determine entries and or exits for the following day. You can then buy or sell 8220at the market8221 on the open the next day. Q: Fancy software and complicated trading strategies that seemingly only rocket scientists can trade, is that your world A: No. The real risk in today8217s age is over-doing a trading system. There is so much computing power available and so much data available, but the reality is that trend following rules can be explained on the back of a napkin. You will learn to use rules that anyyone can apply for potential profit. Can software help automate trend following strategies Sure, but don8217t let automation fool you. Consider wisdom from Daniel Dennett: Here is something we know with well-nigh perfect certainty: nothing physically inexplicable plays a role in any computer program, no heretofore unimagined force fields, no mysterious quantum shenanigans. There is certainly no wonder tissue in any computer. We know exactly how the basic tasks are accomplished in computers, and how they can be composed into more and more complex tasks, and we can explain these constructed competences with no residual mystery. So although the virtuosity of today8217s computers continues to amaze us, the computers themselves, as machines, are as mundane as can-openers. Lots of prestidigitation, but no real magic8230All the improvements in computers since Turing invented his imaginary paper-tape machine are simply ways of making them faster. One of the most accomplished trend following traders of the last 30 years, a man that has made billions, still tracks and automates his world with EXCEL. Nothing fancy. No mental masturbation. Q: Can your trend following strategies be automated A: Yes. 100. Q: Why is money management needed A: Money management, or position sizing, is a critical component of trend following trading success. Q: Are markets different now A: Markets are always the same because they always change. Trend following trading adapts to constant change. That8217s the way to look at it. If someone says markets have changed, reach your wallet. You are about to be picked. Alan Watts the philosopher makes the case for how trend following responds to constant change: If, when swimming, you are caught in a strong current, it is fatal to resist. You must swim with it and gradually edge to the side. One who falls from a height with stiff limbs will break them, but if he relaxes like a cat he will fall safely. A building without give in its structure will easily collapse in storm or earthquake. Trend following has give . Q: 24-hour news is needed A: You don8217t need real-time data or news. In fact, you don8217t need news at all to be a trend following trader. Q: Is leverage used in trend following A: All great trend following traders use leverage. It is a tool to be used correctly. However, trend following is not about using reckless leverage (like Wall Street banks). Very different animals. Q: Once training is completed no broker or financial adviser will be needed A: Not needed. Q: What do you think of Gann and Elliott Wave A: Some enjoy junk science. Q: What additional expenses are needed A: You need money to trade and daily price data (about 20-50month). Our clients also receive a special 10 discount with CSI Data (a world data leader). Q: What about breaking into the fund management business A: A critical feature of our Flagship is support. You will receive help on introductions, along with hints on how to break into the fund business or just advice on trading your own account. Q: Do you explain exactly the markets to trade and why A: Yes. Diversification across markets is part of the process. Trend following exposure to many markets allows profits to cover losses. Big moves, and the profits from those, offset small losses across a diversified portfolio. You can trade those types of markets via ETFs, LEAPs and or futures. Q: Are chart techniques used to pick entry levels, exit levels and where to place stop levels Do you teach a one-size-fits-all method of level picking or do you tailor it to the individual A: No chart techniques are used, but you will know exactly your entry, exit and where to place stops. The rules taught can be tailored, absolutely. Q: Speak to non-USA markets, i. e. China, Malaysia, Singapore, Brazil, Indonesia, etc. A: Trend following is for all markets, all countries. Our clients are in 70 plus countries. A map of where our clients live . Q: Do your rules help to profit during crashes and tail events A: Yes. Making money from black swans. surprises, tail events and crashes is core to trend following success. Think about the 8220edges8221: Q: Is it really possible to compete against the big funds Like Bridgewater and Winton A: Yes, but this is not about competition. The big funds don8217t stop little guys from trading. The idea that big traders block small traders is nonsense. In fact, smaller traders can trade markets larger traders can8217t (due to their overdone size). Q: Are too many people trading as trend following traders A: Broadly speaking the amount of money trading globally applied to trend following methods is tiny by comparison to the mountain of money stuck in buy and hold mutual funds. The opportunity for trend following success is massive. Q: What are your main criteria to identify a trend A: In trend following you don8217t do that. In trend following you take entry signals, and have exit signals. After an entry and then exit you can historically identify a trend. Anyone saying they can spot or predict trends in real time is incorrect. Q: Assuming that I decide to quit my day job 8220working for the man8221 and become a trader, how do I get access to the markets How do I do research Do I need to have access to real-time and historical data A: You will need a broker and you will need market data (not real time). We help understand on both issues with recommendations. The research We provide that too. Q: Michael would probably crush me for asking this, but I8217ll ask it anyway: Is trend following a full time job It is a big commitment and I8217d like to know if it can be done part time A: You can be part-time. 100. You will not be day trading. You can trade using daily or weekly closing prices. No other strategy allows this. Q: The podcasts are very educational. I have only listened to about 80 of them and while I enjoy them enormously, they mostly dive into the human nature. I didn8217t hear much about the specifics on trends in the markets. Do I need to buy Michael8217s entire system to be able to understand the trends A: We give away a ton of free resources. but if you want to go fast and take advantage of our best work our Flagship is the best bet. Q: What makes your product different than others A: We don8217t compare to unnamed others . Our one of a kind product is not a commodity. You can only receive it here. Review our books and podcast (and review every last link on this page). Trend Followingtrade can not promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Followingtrade assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real clients received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such clients are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Followingtrade is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Followingtrade cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Followingtrade in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Followingtrade accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. RESULTADOS DE DESEMPENHO HIPOTÉTICOS OU SIMULADOS TÊM CERTIFICADAS LIMITAÇÕES. SEM ENCONTRO UM REGISTRO DE DESEMPENHO REAL, RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NÃO REPRESENTAM NEGÓCIO REAL. TAMBÉM, DESDE QUE OS NEGÓCIOS NÃO FORAM EXECUTOS, OS RESULTADOS PODEM TER MESMO OU COMPENSADO PARA O IMPACTO, SE HAVER, DE CERTOS FATORES DE MERCADO, TAL COMO FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. PROGRAMAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO SIMULADOS EM GERAL SÃO TAMBÉM SUJEITOS AO FATO QUE ESTÃO DESIGNADOS COM O BENEFÍCIO DE HINDSIGHT. NENHUMA REPRESENTAÇÃO ESTÁ FAZENDO QUE QUALQUER CONTA VOCE OU POSSIBILIDADE DE ALCANÇAR O LUCRO OU PERDAS SIMILAR AOS MOSTRADOS. Performance One of the first steps to your trend following success is to absorb past trend following success. That breeds immense confidence. The data assembled on this page demonstrates what has been possible historically with trend following. First, two pieces of research that outline trend trading success going back over 100 years: A Century of Evidence on Trend-Following Investing (PDF ). Two Centuries of Trend Following (PDF ). A further great example of success is Bill Dunn. He is one of the greatest trend followers ever. First ballot Hall of Fame. He has been successfully trading as a trend follower for massive money since 1974. His continuous track record has never been featured on CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, etc. An examination of Dunn8217s track record could serve as a PhD-level trend following class. Consider his performance numbers: No one can promise that you will become the next Bill Dunn or produce his returns. Further, we are not an agent for Dunn Capital, but his performance is a historical marker on file with the U. S. government. His performance is proof that classic long term trend following can win big time ( Note . If you want to be a trend follower, if you want the foundation to have a chance at the big money, you can start a proven trend following education immediately ). Dunn is not alone though. Consider this chart from Paul Mulvaney of Mulvaney Capital: That is inspirational (at least if you have a pulse). Additional performance histories generated by legendary trend traders: These all prove the historical trend legacy. The past, the current, and the future8211all times when trend following can excel (great history of trend following PDF ). Conclusion Trend following trading can be applied to many different instruments (futures, ETFs amp LEAPs, for ex.) and many different markets such as currencies (FX, forex), interest rates, global stock indices, grains, softs, meats, metals and energies. It has been applied to the great tech names: Google, Apple, Priceline, Tesla, Amazon, Las Vegas Sands amp Facebook, etc. And the strategy is not limited to USA. It is for all types of markets in all countries, i. e. USA to Singapore to China to Brazil to Japan to Switzerland. This is the strategy that has universal applicability. No fundamentals needed. How can it applied to so many different markets Greed, fear, human nature and big trends up and down. That8217s how. Measure it, trade it. Bottom line, furthering the cause of trend following moneymaking benefits has driven us since 1996. In recent years both academics and large funds have further validated the very long-term success of trend following investing. Disclaimers Trend Following can not promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Following assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real clients received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such clients are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Following is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Following cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Following in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Following accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. RESULTADOS DE DESEMPENHO HIPOTÉTICOS OU SIMULADOS TÊM CERTIFICADAS LIMITAÇÕES. SEM ENCONTRO UM REGISTRO DE DESEMPENHO REAL, RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NÃO REPRESENTAM NEGÓCIO REAL. TAMBÉM, DESDE QUE OS NEGÓCIOS NÃO FORAM EXECUTOS, OS RESULTADOS PODEM TER MESMO OU COMPENSADO PARA O IMPACTO, SE HAVER, DE CERTOS FATORES DE MERCADO, TAL COMO FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. PROGRAMAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO SIMULADOS EM GERAL SÃO TAMBÉM SUJEITOS AO FATO QUE ESTÃO DESIGNADOS COM O BENEFÍCIO DE HINDSIGHT. NENHUMA REPRESENTAÇÃO ESTÁ FAZENDO QUE QUALQUER CONTA VOCE OU POSSIBILIDADE DE ALCANÇAR O LUCRO OU PERDAS SIMILAR AOS MOSTRADOS. Testimonials 8220Michael Covel8217s Trend Following . Essential.8221 Ed Seykota Trend following legend originally in the 8220Market Wizards8221 classic book 8220The way I see it, you have two choices8211you can do what I did and work for 30-plus years, cobbling together scraps of information, seeking to create a money-making strategy, or you can spend a few days reading Covel8217s book Trend Following and skip that three-decade learning curve.8221 Larry Hite Trend following legend originally in the 8220Market Wizards8221 classic book 8220Some people think trend following trading is a system, but it8217s really much more powerful than that8230it8217s a trading philosophy. The course here gives comprehensive insight to the most accessible active management strategy currently in use. You find revealing explanations of all the critical elements of a successful trend following trading plan. The concepts espoused here are not just opinions8230these techniques have been proven to work.8221 Paul Mulvaney Mulvaney Capital Note: Mulvaney was an early client. 8220There have been few authors that have tackled the financial markets with a candor that was entertaining while not alienating themselves from the community they wrote about. A few greats come to mind: Michael Lewis, Jack Schwager, and Nassim Taleb. I believe Michael Covel also belongs squarely in this camp for his work to champion the trend following movement.8221 Tim Pickering Founder and CIO, Auspice Capital Advisors (full review: PDF ) Read the 80 pages of testimonials: Trend following works in one of two ways: 1. Trade your home country markets only. 2. Trade a global portfolio. The good news You can choose either option. Better news Trend following is location independent trading. You can be anywhere. Our clients live in 70 countries and territories. Below are the countries and a sampling of cities where they reside. Sampling of where our clients work . United States Clients in all 50 states. Andorra Argentina Australia Sample cities where students live: Albany, Albany Creek, Attadale, Bellerive, Belrose, Brighton, Brisbane, Bronte, Buderim, Cairns, Campbelltown, Campsie, Canterbury, Carrara, Christies Beach, City Beach, Claremont, Como, Doncaster, Eden Park, Eungella, Fairlight, Footscray West, Frankston, Freshwater, Glen Waverly, Glenunga, Gnadendorf, Highett, Hobart, Indooroopilly, Lapstone, Malvern, Manly, Maroochydore, Marrickville, Melbourne, Mitcham, Mossman Bay, Mossman, Narwee, Newtown, Ningi, North Sydney, North Tamborine, Paddington, Panania, Perth, Queensland, Redfern, Rostrevor, Richmond, Rozelle, Ryde, Sandringham, Shaolhaven, Smithfield, Stirling, Subiaco, Summer Hill, Sydney, Tootgarook, Victoria, Wavertown, Wellington Point, West Perth, Weston, Windsor, Wollongong Austria Belarus Belgium Sample cities where students live: Brussels, Gent, Steenokkerzeel, Vosselaar Bermuda Botswana Brazil Sample cities where students live: Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Rio de Jan eiro, Santana de Parnaiba, Sao Paulo Brunei Canada Sample cities where students live: Abbotsford, Aurora, Bancroft, Bathurst, Beaumont, Bonne Bay, Bonnyville, Boucherville, Bracebridge, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington, Burnaby, Calgary, Canterbury, Carrolls Corner, Cochrane, Coquitlam, Cranbrook, Dartmouth, Delta, Edmonton, Errington, Gatineau, Grande Prairie, Halifax, Kelowna, Kitchener, Lachenaie, Little Britain, London, Maple, Markham, Mattawa, Medicine Hat, Mill Bay, Mississauga, Montreal, Mouse Jaw, Nanaimo, Nepean, New Westminster, Niagara Falls, North Vancouver, North York, Oakville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Pickering, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Salmon Arm, St. Albert, St. Laurent, St-Alexis, St-Sauveur, Salt Spring Island, Scarborough, Summerside, Surrey, Sutton, Toronto, Val des Monts, Vancouver, Varrennes, Vaudreuil, Verdun, Victoria, Wainwright, Waterloo, Wellesley, West Vancourver, Winfield, Winkler, Winnipeg, Yellowknife China Colombia Cte d8217Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic E cuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Finland France Sample cities where students live: Bordeaux, Cergy, Le Vesinet, Louveciennes, Malakoff, Manduel, Paris, Paudex, Vallon Pont dArc, Ville-sur-Yron, Vincennes Germany Sample cities where students live: Bonn, Bad Soden, Berg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Euskirchen, Filderstadt, Frankfurt am Main, Grainau, Groebenzell, Hallstadt, Hamburg, Herrenberg, Herzogenaurach, Hofheim, Jena, Kirchheim-Teck, Koenigswinter, Leipzig, Mistelbach, Moenchherrnsdorf, Muehldorf, Muenchen, Munich, Neu Isenburg, Niddatal-Assenheim, Rosenheim, Scharbeutz, Stuttgart, Sulzbach, Wiesbaden, Woelfersheim Gibraltar Greece Sample cities where students live: Athens, Naxos, Piraeus, Thessaloniki Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Sample cities where students live: Bandar Seri Begawan, Jakarta, Javiarta, Jember, Tel Betung Ireland Israel Italy Sample cities where students live: Bologna, Campione, Campobasso, Castelliri, Chiampo, Genova, Milano, Parma, Rome, Valgi oie, Volterra Japan Sample cities where students live: Atsugi, Nagoya, Tokyo Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Sample cities where students live: Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Kulim, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Subang Jaya Malta Mauritius Mexico Monaco Nederland Sample cities where students live: Amsterdam, Bergen op Zoom, Budel, Delden, Enschede, Hoofddorp, Hoorn, Maassluis, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rijswijk, Soesterberg, Son en Breugel Nederland Antilles New Zealand Sample cities where students live: Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, Lowerhutt, North Shore City, Wellington Nigeria Norway Oman Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Russian Federation Sample cities where students live: Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Minsk, Moscow, Samara Singapore Slovak Republic South Africa Sample cities where students live: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Dubanville, George, Hout Bay, Johannesburg, Musgrave, Randburg, Rosebank, Sandton, Saxonwold, Sun City, Welgemoed, Witban k South Korea Sample cities where students live: Inch8217on, Koyang, Seoul, Taejon Spain Sample cities where students live: Barcelona, Cabrera de Mar, Santiago de Compostela, Formentera, Javea, Madrid, Mallorca, Marbella, Sant Pol de Mar Sweden Switzerland Sample cities where students live: Aarwangen, Altendorf, Campione, Cadenazzo, Chailly-Montreux, Chene-Bougeries, Chrissier, Geneva, Greng, Grimisuat, Kloten, Kusnacht, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Ottenbach, Paudex, Pully, Steinhausen, Wettswil, Zurich Taiwan Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Sample cities where students live: Ascot, Aberdeen, Abergavenny, Addlestone, Ashton Keynes, Bath, Basildon, Billericay, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blairgowrie, Boughton Monchelsea, Bristol, Bromley, Burgess Hill, Burnham-on-Crouch, Camberley, Cambridge, Cardiff, Chesire, Crickhowell, Driffield, Dudley, Eastbourne, Egham, Elstree, Enfield, Essex, Etchingham, Folkestone, Glasgow, Grantham, Greenford, Guildford, Halifax, Harefie ld, Haslemere, Hildenborough, Hove, Kenilworth, Keston Park, King8217s Lynn, Leeds, Leicester, Lichfield, Liverpool, London, Loughton, Manchester, Margate, Marlow, Middlesex, Minehead, Nairn, N. York, Newbury, Northallerton, Northampton, Oakham, Oldham, Ombersley, Oxford, Peacehaven, Plymouth, Poole, Porthleven, Richmond, Ruislip, Saltdean, Seaford, Sevenoaks, Sheffield, South Brent, Southampton, St Albans, St Andrew, St Brelade, Stevenage, Stirling, Surbiton, Sutton Coldfield, Talaton, Tauton, Twickenham, Uxbridge, Walthamstow, Winchester, Windlesham, Windsor, Worthing, Wotton-under-Edge, Woking, Wooburn Green, Woodstock Zimbabwe Bank Wire Discount You can obtain a 10 price break with a bank wire purchase of our Flagship Product . If you would like to take advantage of the bank wire special put the Flagship Product in your cart, go to checkout and in the coupon box enter 10discount and hit apply. You will then be provided bank wire ordering instructions after you submit your order. Questions Email: infotrendfollowing . Note: Special offer does not apply to our Standard product. Legacy Client Discount All legacy clients back to 1997 are entitled to a significant discount. To take advantage of this offer please email: infotrendfollowing . College Student Discount College students with a current ID can obtain a 10 price break with the purchase of our Flagship. You can also combine this offer together with our bank wire special offer (max 20 price break). To take advantage of this offer please email: infotrendfollowing . Note: Special offer does not apply to our Standard product. CSI Price Data: Special Offer All clients can receive a 10 price break off published subscriptions rates of premier price data supplier CSI Data. To receive the 10 price break please contact us: infotrendfollowing . Note: This offer for Flagship and Standard. copy 2004-17 Trend Followingtrade All Rights Reserved Contact Trend Followingtrade, TurtleTraderreg, TurtleTraderreg are trademarksservice marks of Trend Following. Outras marcas comerciais e marcas de serviço que aparecem na Trend A seguinte rede de sites pode ser propriedade da Trend Following ou de outras partes, incluindo terceiros não afiliados ao Trend Following. Articles and information on the Trend Followingtrade network of sites may not be copied, reprinted, or redistributed without written permission from Michael Covel and or Trend Following (but written permission is easily and typically granted). The purpose of this website is to encourage the free exchange of ideas across investments, risk, economics, psychology, human behavior, entrepreneurship and innovation. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Michael Covel, unless otherwise noted. Os artigos individuais são baseados nas opiniões do respectivo autor, que podem reter os direitos autorais como observado. A informação neste site destina-se a compartilhar conhecimento e informações da pesquisa e experiência de Michael Covel e sua comunidade. As informações aqui contidas não foram projetadas para serem usadas como um convite para investimento com qualquer consultor perfilado. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. We assume all data to be accurate, but assume no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Trend Aftertrade comercializa e vende diversos produtos de informação de investimentos e investimento. Readers are solely responsible for selection of stocks, currencies, options, commodities, futures contracts, strategies, and monitoring their brokerage accounts. Trend Aftertrade, suas subsidiárias, funcionários e agentes não solicitam ou executam negócios ou dão conselhos de investimento, e não são registrados como corretores ou conselheiros com qualquer agência federal ou estatal. Read our full disclaimer . Assista ao filme Michael Covels agora. The only trend following documentary LIKE OUR FREE CONTENT Click here for the best that Trend Followingtrade has to offer. Trend Following Investment Research: Flagship Package 8220People don8217t want more information. They are up to their eyeballs in information. They want faith. Faith in you, your goals, your success and in the story you tell.8221 Great Advice Shouldnt Cost a Fortune The truth about investing is not what they teach in school or what your broker knows: Market fundamentals can never be completely known. Predictions by financial experts are no better than a coin-flip. Mutual funds that profit only on the upside implode when markets crash. Long only stockbrokers and mutual funds see investors as marks . Fees for stock funds are a huge scam that will cost a fortune over a lifetime. Zero or negative interest rates are part of a permanently rigged system. The vast majority of technical analysis and chart reading is voodoo . Global governments actively work against the interests of retirees and savers. Wall Street will engineer the next market crash just like the last one. Worthless advice has been the standard response to those problems. Michael Covel innovated something entirely new for the industry. Spending an incredible amount of time, research and money he developed trading systems that solve those problems. His investment rules work equally on all markets and in all countries8211rules you can trade from a desert island. They give the chance for big money in bull . bear . black swan and crash markets. It all started with essential truths imparted by a brilliant mentor: No one can predict the future. If you can take the would-be, could-be, should-be out of markets and look at what is actually happening you have a big advantage. What matters most can be measured, so always count. You don8217t need to know when something will happen to know that it will happen. Prices can only go up, down or sideways. Losses are a part of life. There is only now 8230 so follow the trend. Trend Following Flagship is Michael8217s step by step solution for generating massive returns across all markets. The Hard Work Has Been Done Michael does the tedious work and sorts through the raw data to find the most important insights you need to know and understand about Trend Following investing. You receive his best Trend Following recommendations and ideas to apply to your account for potential profit immediately: Guarantee . You will know when to enter, when to exit, how much to bet on each trade and how to select a portfolio. Guaranteed . Read full guarantee here . One-of-a-kind . Insights are across the narrow subject of systematic Trend Following. His Flagship is a continuous research effort to pull together great trend trading techniques. Best in Class . Trend Following systems are direct from legendary trend traders. These proprietary rules are rooted in an unparalleled network . Your Time Is Valuable . Competing and conflicting voices blather 247 in mainstream media. Choose the wrong voice and you can go broke. You receive step by step instruction. Competition . Too many so-called market experts are simply free information . Data alone goes nowhere. There is no analysis. There is no wisdom. Trend Following Flagship answers questions you must know: Portfolio . What market do you buy or sell Bet Sizing . How much of a market do you trade Entry . When do you buy or sell a market Exit . When do you exit a losing trade Exit . When do you exit a winning trade Said another way: What is the state of the market What is the volatility of the market What is your equity being traded What is your trading orientation What is your risk aversion Make no mistake, Trend Following is mental sport, yet it is sport that can be learned, i. e. the TurtleTraders. You do not need to be a math genius to be a Trend Following trader. Good trading rules are not complicated. 8220I8217m very uncomfortable with black box trading where I8217m dealing with algorithms I don8217t understand. Everything we do we could do on the back of an envelope with a pencil.8221 Famed trend follower on simplicity (40 year track record) A key chart demonstrates our Trend Following lessons: Trend Following Trading Process For example, Assume GOOG is trading between 650 and 670. All of a sudden GOOG jumps, or breaks out, to a price level of 700. That type of upward movement from a range is a trigger8211the entry. You might say, 8220I don8217t know if GOOG is going to continue up, but it8217s been going sideways for six months, and all of a sudden, the price has jumped to 700 making a new six-month highest high. You don8217t argue with the market, you just say I8217m in.8221 That8217s trend following thinking . Consider this chart: Trend Following Winning Chart Markets You Can Trade Our systems can be used for the following markets and instruments: Markets and instruments listed are samples. Trend following is for all markets. Sample Markets to Trade You Will Learn Exact Rules Our proprietary Trend Following systems answer: How do you enter and exit at all times How do you automate your trading How do you place stops for each and every position How do you adjust stops when trades are winninglosing How do you take a loss to avoid a larger loss How do you balance both long and short positions How do you adjust trades for accumulated new profits How do you account for volatility How do you adjust your portfolio during a winninglosing streak How do you adjust risk as your account grows How do you protect against extreme downside moves How do you adjust your positions for volatility How do you deal with the psychological component How do you choose a portfolio Trend Following systems have been reverse engineered : How do you trade with the trend and never ignore it How do you model the behavior of great traders How do you manage and embrace risk with an opportunistic plan How do you use a checklist to quantify yo ur trading plan How do you trade off of today8217s price only How do you avoid buying declining markets How do you know when to stay out of the market How do you know when to sell before you ever buy How do you mentally plan for your worst-case scenario at all times How do you identify a portfolio and rank them for selection How do you trade with a small account How much do you trade every time When will you increase your position How much do you risk at all times How do you evaluate total market risk How do you diversify your account How do you avoid correlation among markets In short, trend following traders not only trade for big money potential on up, down and surprise markets8211they also manage their potential for loss and control more of their free time. Flagship Product Contents The Flagship product arrives in (4) pieces: FEDEX core manuals. Vimeo videos. Dropbox with additional manuals, audio and video. Support: Personalized support through email. Detailed product contents: Proprietary Trend Following Systems You will receive proprietary Trend Following trading systems: Classic I Trend Following Trading System. Classic II Trend Following Trading System. Classic III Trend Following Trading System. Stoic Weekly Trend Following Trading System. Note: Risk management for all systems adjustable to your risk tolerance. Supplementary Resources in Trend Following Dropbox The Trend Following Dropbox is a resource compilation that gives further Trend Following lessons and systems. Third Party White PaperResources (Flagship Only) EXCEL Spreadsheets (Flagship Only) (5) EXCEL spreadsheets for volatility. (5) EXCEL spreadsheets for correlation. (4) EXCEL spreadsheets for trading logs. (4) EXCEL spreadsheets for risk management. Training Materials (Flagship Only) Trend Following questions and answers (44 pages). Market basics for introduction, orders, speculation, nomenclature, etc. (300 QA). Third party trend following video excerpts (14 videos). Third party video excerpts featuring top trend followers (11 videos). Our support team answers 95 of emails within 24-48 hours. All customers have access to support for 12-18 months. Like with your CPA or attorney you get the needed answers. This is built right into Flagship pricing. No extra support fees. You can also learn Trend Following anywhere: office, home or on the road. You will always know: What is the market opportunity in the market niche What is your solution to beating the market How big is the opportunity How do you make money How do you trade the market and profit What is the competition How are you better How will you execute and manage your investing What are your risks Why will you succeed Free misinformation online is overwhelming. It is a minefield. Michael8217s loyal customers trust him to see through the noise. Nota . New traders receive trading basics (i. e. book recommendations, issues to consideravoid, Holy Grails exposed, broker recommendations, wise background reading, websites to absorbavoid). These insights give new traders needed confidence. What Everyone8217s Saying Trend Following is a strategy for everyone : Brand new investors and traders. Professional and institutional investors and traders. Burned 8220buy and hold8221 investors seeking an alternative. Equities, FX (Forex), ETFs, commodities, LEAPs and futures traders. Fund managers and RIAs. Technical traders and chartists. College students. Retirees hurt by ZIRP and NIRP central bank policies. Anyone seeking above average profits in up, down or surprise markets. Michael8217s unparalleled research leaves customers fiercely loyal. They pay directly for that out-side-the-box wisdom. There are no hidden agendas. Nota . Location of our customers (top countries): USA, UK, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Brazil, South Africa and Malaysia. Our customers by country (in 70 countries), corporation and university give all investors confidence. Trend Following Philosophy You Will Learn In Flagship, you8217ll also learn: Trading . Traders are different. They have a defined strategy to profit in all climates. Trend following traders do not care what they buy or sell as long as they make money. Absolute Returns . Trend Following has above-average performance over the last 7 decades. The potential to compound wealth is huge. Up and Down Trends . Trend Following makes money in up or down markets, bull or bear. Tail Risk . Michael8217s unique trend following strategy performs above average when market bubbles pop, when the Black Swan arrives. For example, trend following made huge money during the Stock Crash (197374 ), Black Monday (1987 ), Barings Bank (1995 ), LTCM amp Asian Crisis (1998 ), Stock Crash (2000-02 ), 911 (2001 ), Great Recession (2008-09 ), Oil Market (2014-16) and Brexit (2016 ). Black Swan Events Portfolio Diversification . Trend Following returns are uncorrelated to traditional investments. Works on All Markets . Trend Following doesn8217t trade one market alone. Inefficient Markets . Trend Following goes against the academic nonsense of the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH). Research . Trend Following has profited for centuries. Review the third party research: PDF 1 and PDF 2 . Nurture Beats Nature . Winning traders dont have a special gene, divine gift, innate talent, inside knowledge or huge starting capital. Everything Flows . Trend followers react to market movements and follow along8211without a story about why . Statistical Thinking Is Paramount . During a Monday Night Football game, Ron Jaworski put numbers in perspective: 8220Play calling is about probability not certainty.8221 Market Bubbles . The mythological 100-year flood happens all the time. Since 1929 there have been 18 market crashes8211always rooted in irrational exuberance. Fundamentals Are Religion . To paraphrase trader Paul Tudor Jones: The illusion has been created that there is an explanation for every market move with the primary task to find that explanation. Trend Following does not need news, fundamentals or chart patterns. It is not day trading. The Market Is Never Wrong . People pine nonstop for the market to go their direction, then hang on and pray it8217ll come back if it doesn8217t go in their favor. The market is never wrong. You Have to Bet to Win . Take a big risk if you want a big reward. If you want an average reward, take an average risk. No balls, no babies. However, as Larry Hite said, 8220Don8217t bet your deli to win a pickle.8221 Process Beats Outcome . Do you want to be right or rich You really have no control over the results you have control over your action. You can only control how much you lose. Think Like Kenny Rogers . If you must play decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes and quitting time. You8217ve got to know when to hold 8217em. Know when to fold 8217em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run . Behavioral Biases . The lessons of the greatest trading psychology pros are part of Trend Following. See the podcast. Learn to Love Losses . P. T. Barnum famously said, 8220This way to the egress8221 If famed trader Amos Hostetter lost 25 percent he8217d exit: 8220Never mind the cheese. Let me out of the trap.8221 Technology Is No Mistress . Pablo Picasso famously said, 8220Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.8221 Start by answering your daily market questions in advance. Automating answers is the easy part. Zero Sum Battles Are Life . If you are going to win, someone else will lose. Does survival of the fittest make you uneasy Stay out of the zero sum game (PDF ). Hero Worship Kills Accounts . When TV pundits say it8217s time to buy Google or dump Apple, millions follow random advice blindly. Don8217t drink the Kool-Aid. Buy and Hold (Hope) Is Dead . Buy and hold works for investors who live forever. It also works for those who believe in magical thinking and pixie dust. Mutual funds and cosmetics: They both sell hope. No Balance Sheets . It does not matter if you8217re trading stocks or soybeans: 8220Trading is trading, and the name of the game is to make money, not get an A in 8216How to Read a Balance Sheet8221 No Tops and Bottoms . Trend following aims to capture the middle, or the meat, of a market trend, up or down, for profit. You will never get in at the absolute bottom or get out at the absolute top. Have Markets Changed Not only have markets changed, they will continue to change: 8220If you have a valid market philosophy, learning to accept that change and flow with it is your greatest asset. No matter how ridiculous market moves appear at the beginning, and no matter how extended or irrational they seem at the end, following trends is the rational choice in a chaotic, changing world.8221 That8217s how the owner of the Red Sox made his trend following fortune. True Reality . 8220If you want to make money in any market, you need to mirror what the market is doing. Other things being equal, the longer you stay right with the market, the more money you will make. The longer you stay wrong with the market, the more money you will lose.8221 Price Makes Markets the Same . 8220You do not need to know anything about bonds. You do not need to understand different currencies. They are just numbers. Corn is a little different than bonds, but not different enough to trade them differently. Some people have a different system for each market. That is absurd. You are trading mob psychology. You are not trading corn, soybeans, or the SampP. You are merely trading numbers .8221 No Discretion . 8220You cannot test or simulate how you were feeling when you got out of bed 15 years ago when you8217re looking at historical simulations. If you8217re going to trade using a system, you must slavishly use the system and avoid discretionary overrides. You do whatever the hell the system says no matter how smart or dumb you might think it is at that moment.8221 Proper Betting . If you have 100,000 and you want to trade Gold, well, how much of your 100,000 will you trade of Gold on your first trade Will you trade all 100,000 What if you8217re wrong What if you8217re wrong in a big way, and you lose your entire 100,000 on one bet Not smart. Prenuptial Agreement . The paramount factor when the market goes against you is being able to say: 8220I8217m out8221 You need a prenuptial agreement with the market. That means the time to think most clearly about when you will exit is before you ever get in. Home Run Trades . A trend following baseball coach would approach it like the former manager of the Baltimore Orioles: 8220Earl Weaver designed his offenses to maximize the chance of a three-run homer. Weaver did not bunt or want guys who slapped singles. He wanted guys who hit big home runs.8221 The Babe Ruth Parallel . Babe Ruth struck out a lot, but he was one of baseball8217s greatest sluggers. His home runs made up for the strikeouts. Trend Following captures Babe Ruth home runs 8230 8230.and when bubbles pop Trend Following makes fortunes. Armed with no college degree he made his fortune with trend following and bought the Red Sox. Your Challenge How best should you invest or trade in the face of constant uncertainty How do you best trade market bubbles for profit Those are critical questions. And thousands of customers have hired Michael for his wisdom to those answers. Now, let8217s step back and think big picture. In the last 15 years there have been multiple booms and busts. There has been government rigging from bailouts to quantitative easing (QE) to zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) to negative interest rate policy (NIRP). These policies insure that all markets go up and down all the time. But here is the trick: No one can predict market direction. However, don8217t worry. Prediction is not needed for trend following success. If you have Trend Following systems and training you can make money in up or down markets. Why a particular market is moving is not relevant to sound investing. The Eastern philosopher Alan Watts knew trend following lessons (even if unintentional): The question, 8220What shall we do about it8221 is only asked by those who do not understand the problem. If a problem can be solved at all, to understand it and to know what to do about it is the same thing. On the other hand, doing something about a problem that you do not understand is like trying to clear away darkness by thrusting it aside with your hands. When light is brought, the darkness vanishes at once. Overcoming fear (and moving you toward rich) is all taught in Michael8217s Trend Following Flagship: Clarity of purpose is investment success. Eliminating noise with precise trend rules that adjust to any situation, climate or cycle is the goal. Going on an information diet is mandatory. Systematic and consistent processes beat fundamental guesses every time. Your investing will be like this video . Investment stress is a killer . Multitasking with screens, news and nonstop predictions will fry your brain8211guaranteed. We will have you focus on the right task, not every last task. Consider this infographic . The religious rituals of the government, media and finance will bleed you dry: 8220CNBC really could not care less about the actual content of what is being said. The purpose of CNBC8217s game is8230to sell advertisements . Nothing evil or wrong about this. It8217s what for-profit media companies do. But the content they are producing8230needs to be understood as such.8221 Deliberate practice is mandatory for Trend Following excellence. Listen to a podcast with the world8217s foremost expert on peak performance. Trend Following does nothing until you have a great move with big profit potential. Patience is paramount . like this video . The global Deep State governmental authorities don8217t want you thinking. They want you in the Matrix : Those who dominate the educational system control who is accepted and who is rejected, not by measure of intelligence or skill, but by their willingness to conform to the establishment ideal. They construct a kind of automaton class, which has been taught not to learn independently, but to parrot propaganda without question. Those of us who do not make the grade are relegated to the role of obliged worshippers accepting the claims of the professional class as gospel regardless of how incorrect they happen to be. The whole thing is disgustingly inbred. Now, let8217s take smart thinking a step further. Consider a non-trading example that explains the truth of process v. outcome: Instead of talking about wins and championships, Alabama Head Football Coach Nick Saban speaks about the process. The process is Saban8217s term for concentrating on the steps to success rather than worrying about the end result. Instead of thinking about the scoreboard, think about dominating the man on the opposite side of the line of scrimmage. Instead of thinking about a conference title, think about finishing a ninth rep in the weight room. Since Saban has won 5 of the past 13 national titles, the phrase has morphed into the mission statement for Saban8217s program-building philosophy. Today everyone is trying to replicate his philosophy and results. Call it the Sabanization of college football. Once you have a Trend Following process then it comes down to your guts to play the game the right way. Famed contrarian investor Howard Marks speaks to that quest for greatness: The real question is whether you dare to do the things that are necessary in order to be great. Are you willing to be different, and are you willing to be wrong In order to have a chance at great results, you have to be open to being both. The Trend Following race for you is on8211whether you run or pretend there is no race. One of Michael8217s favorite sayings paints the picture: Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn8217t matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes up, you8217d better be running . Michael shows customers the secrets to running with Trend Following. FAQs should be reviewed. Questions Reach out and contact us . Ready to purchase Go to the top of this page and add the product to your cart to checkout. Michael Covel and Trend Following Legend in London Risk Disclaimers Trend Following can8217t promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Following assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real customers received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such customers are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Following is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Following cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Following in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Following accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. RESULTADOS DE DESEMPENHO HIPOTÉTICOS OU SIMULADOS TÊM CERTIFICADAS LIMITAÇÕES. SEM ENCONTRO UM REGISTRO DE DESEMPENHO REAL, RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NÃO REPRESENTAM NEGÓCIO REAL. TAMBÉM, DESDE QUE OS NEGÓCIOS NÃO FORAM EXECUTOS, OS RESULTADOS PODEM TER MESMO OU COMPENSADO PARA O IMPACTO, SE HAVER, DE CERTOS FATORES DE MERCADO, TAL COMO FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. PROGRAMAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO SIMULADOS EM GERAL SÃO TAMBÉM SUJEITOS AO FATO QUE ESTÃO DESIGNADOS COM O BENEFÍCIO DE HINDSIGHT. NENHUMA REPRESENTAÇÃO ESTÁ FAZENDO QUE QUALQUER CONTA VOCE OU POSSIBILIDADE DE ALCANÇAR O LUCRO OU PERDAS SIMILAR AOS MOSTRADOS. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Please define trend following exactly. A: Read. Also, consider an illustration that can make you rich: Trend following does not pick bottoms or tops. You always get into a trend late, and get out late. You cannot predict a trend. That chart might not seem like a great strategy at first glance, but it is the foundation of one of the most profitable insights in the history of market speculation: capture the middle meat and you can make a fortune. Q: Does your Flagship product come with recommendations A: You will know all trades to take for all markets at all times. You won8217t need ongoing 8216recommendations8217 as you will have all of them from the start. Our trend following systems will give you the rules for your ongoing trade signals (what some might call recommendations). Q: Is your trend following trading black box system trading A: This is not black box trading. All rules and philosophies taught are fully disclosed. Q: Requirements to start A: These prerequisites are required either in advance or at the same time. You will also need daily and or weekly price data. Questions: Ask . Q: Why are there two versions of your product A: Flagship Premium gets you there faster. Q: Who is trend following for A: Everyone (almost): All new or private traders trading their own account. All account sizes . Hedge fund managers, commodity trading advisors, floor traders and locals. Professional traders looking to establish money management businesses. Those that trade 401K, IRA, or other retirement vehicles. Those that want to trade all markets with the same rules. Those that want to make money in both bull, bear and black swan markets. This is for brand new to pro traders. It is for traders that trade global markets and for those that trade only their home country markets. It is for retirement, speculative accounts, Registered Investment Advisors, fund managers and college students. This is a true location independent, trade on a desert island trading profit-making opportunity. Those expecting millions instantly. Day traders. People that think they can predict tomorrow. Q: What are performance examples A: For more than five decades trend following traders have produced massive profits . Q: When does trend following work A: When markets trend8211is the short answer. The investment objective of our trading programs is to extract profits from up, down and black swan markets (rare or surprise events), resulting in an above average return stream. All programs can be applied to long only and longshort portfolios and all rules are best applied in a 100 systematic manner. Think of it like a machine : Q: What type of markets can be traded A: Systems provided are for stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies (FX), energies, agriculturals, metals and softs. Can you trade equities only, for example Yes. Q: What market instruments can be traded A: Systems provided are for equity ETFs (equities), LEAPs options and or futures. Q: How specific is your product A: This service is an overall trend following trader education with exact trend following systems that can be applied immediately to your account. That means you will receive: Exact rules for selecting your tracking portfolio. Exact rules for entering your trades at the right time. Exact rules for exiting your trades with a loss at the right time. Exact rules for exiting your trades with a profit at the right time. Exact rules for how much money to bet on each trade based on your unique situation. Q: It seems strange that someone is willing to give away a process that works. A: There will be no widespread adoption of the rules we teach. Why People might not feel comfortable once they learn, or they might not like using rules developed by others. Maybe, they adopt the rules we teach, then bastardize them into something else because it momentarily feels good. Markets, bottom line, are huge and with millions of strategies out there, what we teach will be just fine. Additionally, think about the Turtles. Think about all of the trend followers with decades of trend following trading results. Most people don8217t want to change to something good. They are fine with mediocre results. Most people are happy losing. This issue is also addressed in the last chapter of the book Trend Following . Q: Are your trading systems just Turtle A: Michael Covel8217s The Complete TurtleTrader explains the Turtle story and system in detail. It is the definitive Turtle resource, but our Flagship systems and training go much farther. Advanced systems, examples and human interaction with Michael and his staff, the live teaching element within Flagship, is an entirely different experience. Q: What is the difference between your books and systems 038 training A: The books are great resources filled with thousands of details, and they have helped many people learn, but our systems and training with support are different. Questions come up. People need help. Personal instruction gives insights. Additionally, many proprietary trading systems are included (not in the books). Q: Is trend trading only for the USA A: Our clients are in 70 countries trading on exchanges from Europe to Asia to the Middle East to South America to North America. Q: Are your systems and training for the individual investor A: Many of our clients are simply individuals trading their own account. Many are with no experience. Some have experience, but the wrong kind. Whether 21 and in college. age 30 working a job, or age 60 in retirement, you can learn trend following trading. Q: Are your systems and training for market professionals A: Our systems and training are also used by experienced traders worldwide. Hedge fund managers to CTAs to CFAs to CMTs brokers to financial advisers on every continent. Q: How were your systems and training assembled A: The great traders, along with their trading rules, are not easily accessed. It8217s a very closed club. However, Michael Covel has dedicated his life to assembling their trading systems and lessons (as a result of their direct teaching). Covel has spent the last 15 years on the inside learning from the greatest traders of our time. View his mentors . Q: The top end of your trading system is not inexpensive. A: Paying for trading education is far less expensive than losing a fortune with no trading plan (which many do). Our price is negligible if you consider it an investment in your future wealth. Q: Can systems in the training be applied to shorter time frames like hourly or 4-hour charts A: No. Day trading is fool8217s gold. Our systems and training will be worth millions to you over a lifetime if you simply understand that day trading is a mirage. More on the subject: Read . Q: The right exit strategy A: Applying explicit exit rules to limit damage during market declines is the name of the game. Survival That means having an exit strategy for all of your positions at all times. That means deliberately, consistently and mechanically cutting losses short while letting your winners run. Q: This is for retirement accounts A: You can trade equities, futures and ETFs in retirement accounts (401ks, IRAs, Keoghs, Seps, etc.). Q: Trend following works on stocks A: Yes. 100. Trend following is not instrument specific. Trend followers can and do trade all types of instruments. Some trade futures. Some trade ETFs. Some trade LEAPSreg options. Some trade commodities. For example, today trend following traders can trade ETFs and get exposure to stock and commodities markets without having to trade futures. You will learn the best option for your situation. Q: Is trend following risky A: Life is risky. You might get hit by a car crossing the street. However, if you have a concrete plan, risk can be managed. Q: Do university classes assist in trend following education A: Most finance departments either are unaware of trend following or ignore it. Many of the greatest traders had little to no experience trend trading before starting. Trend following legend John W. Henry (owner of Boston Red Sox), for example, did not have a college degree. Q: Speak to behavioral biases . A: Trend following handles the biases: Q: How much math is involved in trend following for success A: The basics: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Some will have more understanding, and that is fine too. Q: Do trend followers watch screens during market hours A: Some trend followers only trade once a week using weekly bars. Day trading is not trend following. There is no need to watch the screen during market hours. Q: How much time is required to trade as a trend following trader A: You can spend a minute or two per market each day. For example, you check prices in the evening, then with one trade in the morning, you place or change any orders in accordance with rules. Flagship trend following trading systems use daily data to determine buy and sell signals. Orders can be placed before the market opens and do not need hourly monitoring. Most top traders manage their trades in 10 to 30 minutes per day. Trend follower Richard Donchian once said: 8220If you trade on a definite trend-following loss limiting-method, you can trade without taking a great deal of time from your regular business day. Since action is taken only when certain evidence is registered, you can spend a minute or two per market in the evening checking up on whether action-taking evidence is apparent, and then in one telephone call in the morning place or change any orders in accord with what is indicated. Furthermore a definite method, which at all times includes precise criteria for closing out one8217s losing trades promptly, avoids8230emotionally unnerving indecision.8221 Each day you determine entries and or exits for the following day. You can then buy or sell 8220at the market8221 on the open the next day. Q: Fancy software and complicated trading strategies that seemingly only rocket scientists can trade, is that your world A: No. The real risk in today8217s age is over-doing a trading system. There is so much computing power available and so much data available, but the reality is that trend following rules can be explained on the back of a napkin. You will learn to use rules that anyyone can apply for potential profit. Can software help automate trend following strategies Sure, but don8217t let automation fool you. Consider wisdom from Daniel Dennett: Here is something we know with well-nigh perfect certainty: nothing physically inexplicable plays a role in any computer program, no heretofore unimagined force fields, no mysterious quantum shenanigans. There is certainly no wonder tissue in any computer. We know exactly how the basic tasks are accomplished in computers, and how they can be composed into more and more complex tasks, and we can explain these constructed competences with no residual mystery. So although the virtuosity of today8217s computers continues to amaze us, the computers themselves, as machines, are as mundane as can-openers. Lots of prestidigitation, but no real magic8230All the improvements in computers since Turing invented his imaginary paper-tape machine are simply ways of making them faster. One of the most accomplished trend following traders of the last 30 years, a man that has made billions, still tracks and automates his world with EXCEL. Nothing fancy. No mental masturbation. Q: Can your trend following strategies be automated A: Yes. 100. Q: Why is money management needed A: Money management, or position sizing, is a critical component of trend following trading success. Q: Are markets different now A: Markets are always the same because they always change. Trend following trading adapts to constant change. That8217s the way to look at it. If someone says markets have changed, reach your wallet. You are about to be picked. Alan Watts the philosopher makes the case for how trend following responds to constant change: If, when swimming, you are caught in a strong current, it is fatal to resist. You must swim with it and gradually edge to the side. One who falls from a height with stiff limbs will break them, but if he relaxes like a cat he will fall safely. A building without give in its structure will easily collapse in storm or earthquake. Trend following has give . Q: 24-hour news is needed A: You don8217t need real-time data or news. In fact, you don8217t need news at all to be a trend following trader. Q: Is leverage used in trend following A: All great trend following traders use leverage. It is a tool to be used correctly. However, trend following is not about using reckless leverage (like Wall Street banks). Very different animals. Q: Once training is completed no broker or financial adviser will be needed A: Not needed. Q: What do you think of Gann and Elliott Wave A: Some enjoy junk science. Q: What additional expenses are needed A: You need money to trade and daily price data (about 20-50month). Our clients also receive a special 10 discount with CSI Data (a world data leader). Q: What about breaking into the fund management business A: A critical feature of our Flagship is support. You will receive help on introductions, along with hints on how to break into the fund business or just advice on trading your own account. Q: Do you explain exactly the markets to trade and why A: Yes. Diversification across markets is part of the process. Trend following exposure to many markets allows profits to cover losses. Big moves, and the profits from those, offset small losses across a diversified portfolio. You can trade those types of markets via ETFs, LEAPs and or futures. Q: Are chart techniques used to pick entry levels, exit levels and where to place stop levels Do you teach a one-size-fits-all method of level picking or do you tailor it to the individual A: No chart techniques are used, but you will know exactly your entry, exit and where to place stops. The rules taught can be tailored, absolutely. Q: Speak to non-USA markets, i. e. China, Malaysia, Singapore, Brazil, Indonesia, etc. A: Trend following is for all markets, all countries. Our clients are in 70 plus countries. A map of where our clients live . Q: Do your rules help to profit during crashes and tail events A: Yes. Making money from black swans. surprises, tail events and crashes is core to trend following success. Think about the 8220edges8221: Q: Is it really possible to compete against the big funds Like Bridgewater and Winton A: Yes, but this is not about competition. The big funds don8217t stop little guys from trading. The idea that big traders block small traders is nonsense. In fact, smaller traders can trade markets larger traders can8217t (due to their overdone size). Q: Are too many people trading as trend following traders A: Broadly speaking the amount of money trading globally applied to trend following methods is tiny by comparison to the mountain of money stuck in buy and hold mutual funds. The opportunity for trend following success is massive. Q: What are your main criteria to identify a trend A: In trend following you don8217t do that. In trend following you take entry signals, and have exit signals. After an entry and then exit you can historically identify a trend. Anyone saying they can spot or predict trends in real time is incorrect. Q: Assuming that I decide to quit my day job 8220working for the man8221 and become a trader, how do I get access to the markets How do I do research Do I need to have access to real-time and historical data A: You will need a broker and you will need market data (not real time). We help understand on both issues with recommendations. The research We provide that too. Q: Michael would probably crush me for asking this, but I8217ll ask it anyway: Is trend following a full time job It is a big commitment and I8217d like to know if it can be done part time A: You can be part-time. 100. You will not be day trading. You can trade using daily or weekly closing prices. No other strategy allows this. Q: The podcasts are very educational. I have only listened to about 80 of them and while I enjoy them enormously, they mostly dive into the human nature. I didn8217t hear much about the specifics on trends in the markets. Do I need to buy Michael8217s entire system to be able to understand the trends A: We give away a ton of free resources. but if you want to go fast and take advantage of our best work our Flagship is the best bet. Q: What makes your product different than others A: We don8217t compare to unnamed others . Our one of a kind product is not a commodity. You can only receive it here. Review our books and podcast (and review every last link on this page). Trend Followingtrade can not promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Followingtrade assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real clients received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such clients are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Followingtrade is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Followingtrade cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Followingtrade in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Followingtrade accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. RESULTADOS DE DESEMPENHO HIPOTÉTICOS OU SIMULADOS TÊM CERTIFICADAS LIMITAÇÕES. SEM ENCONTRO UM REGISTRO DE DESEMPENHO REAL, RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NÃO REPRESENTAM NEGÓCIO REAL. TAMBÉM, DESDE QUE OS NEGÓCIOS NÃO FORAM EXECUTOS, OS RESULTADOS PODEM TER MESMO OU COMPENSADO PARA O IMPACTO, SE HAVER, DE CERTOS FATORES DE MERCADO, TAL COMO FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. PROGRAMAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO SIMULADOS EM GERAL SÃO TAMBÉM SUJEITOS AO FATO QUE ESTÃO DESIGNADOS COM O BENEFÍCIO DE HINDSIGHT. NENHUMA REPRESENTAÇÃO ESTÁ FAZENDO QUE QUALQUER CONTA VOCE OU POSSIBILIDADE DE ALCANÇAR O LUCRO OU PERDAS SIMILAR AOS MOSTRADOS. Performance One of the first steps to your trend following success is to absorb past trend following success. That breeds immense confidence. The data assembled on this page demonstrates what has been possible historically with trend following. First, two pieces of research that outline trend trading success going back over 100 years: A Century of Evidence on Trend-Following Investing (PDF ). Two Centuries of Trend Following (PDF ). A further great example of success is Bill Dunn. He is one of the greatest trend followers ever. First ballot Hall of Fame. He has been successfully trading as a trend follower for massive money since 1974. His continuous track record has never been featured on CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, etc. An examination of Dunn8217s track record could serve as a PhD-level trend following class. Consider his performance numbers: No one can promise that you will become the next Bill Dunn or produce his returns. Further, we are not an agent for Dunn Capital, but his performance is a historical marker on file with the U. S. government. His performance is proof that classic long term trend following can win big time ( Note . If you want to be a trend follower, if you want the foundation to have a chance at the big money, you can start a proven trend following education immediately ). Dunn is not alone though. Consider this chart from Paul Mulvaney of Mulvaney Capital: That is inspirational (at least if you have a pulse). Additional performance histories generated by legendary trend traders: These all prove the historical trend legacy. The past, the current, and the future8211all times when trend following can excel (great history of trend following PDF ). Conclusion Trend following trading can be applied to many different instruments (futures, ETFs amp LEAPs, for ex.) and many different markets such as currencies (FX, forex), interest rates, global stock indices, grains, softs, meats, metals and energies. It has been applied to the great tech names: Google, Apple, Priceline, Tesla, Amazon, Las Vegas Sands amp Facebook, etc. And the strategy is not limited to USA. It is for all types of markets in all countries, i. e. USA to Singapore to China to Brazil to Japan to Switzerland. This is the strategy that has universal applicability. No fundamentals needed. How can it applied to so many different markets Greed, fear, human nature and big trends up and down. That8217s how. Measure it, trade it. Bottom line, furthering the cause of trend following moneymaking benefits has driven us since 1996. In recent years both academics and large funds have further validated the very long-term success of trend following investing. Disclaimers Trend Following can not promise you will earn the returns of traders, charts or examples (real or hypothetical) stated. All past performance is not necessarily an indication of future results. Data presented is for educational purposes. Our products are also provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. All data on this site is direct from the CFTC, SEC, Yahoo Finance, Google and disclosure documents by managers mentioned herein. Trend Following assumes all data to be accurate, but assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or clerical errors made by sources. Our testimonials are the words of real clients received in real correspondence that have not been paid for their testimonials. Testimonials are sometimes printed under aliases to protect privacy, and edited for length. Claims have not been independently verified or audited for accuracy. We do not know how much money was risked, what portion of their total portfolio was allocated, or their exact positions. We do not claim that the results experienced by such clients are typical and you will likely have different results. Trend Following is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. This information is not designed to be used as an invitation for investment with any adviser profiled. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Further, Trend Following cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for hisher own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. Additionally, Trend Following in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any security or instrument. In addition, Trend Following accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as a basis of any investment decision, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. RESULTADOS DE DESEMPENHO HIPOTÉTICOS OU SIMULADOS TÊM CERTIFICADAS LIMITAÇÕES. SEM ENCONTRO UM REGISTRO DE DESEMPENHO REAL, RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NÃO REPRESENTAM NEGÓCIO REAL. TAMBÉM, DESDE QUE OS NEGÓCIOS NÃO FORAM EXECUTOS, OS RESULTADOS PODEM TER MESMO OU COMPENSADO PARA O IMPACTO, SE HAVER, DE CERTOS FATORES DE MERCADO, TAL COMO FALTA DE LIQUIDEZ. PROGRAMAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO SIMULADOS EM GERAL SÃO TAMBÉM SUJEITOS AO FATO QUE ESTÃO DESIGNADOS COM O BENEFÍCIO DE HINDSIGHT. NENHUMA REPRESENTAÇÃO ESTÁ FAZENDO QUE QUALQUER CONTA VOCE OU POSSIBILIDADE DE ALCANÇAR O LUCRO OU PERDAS SIMILAR AOS MOSTRADOS. Testimonials 8220Michael Covel8217s Trend Following . Essential.8221 Ed Seykota Trend following legend originally in the 8220Market Wizards8221 classic book 8220The way I see it, you have two choices8211you can do what I did and work for 30-plus years, cobbling together scraps of information, seeking to create a money-making strategy, or you can spend a few days reading Covel8217s book Trend Following and skip that three-decade learning curve.8221 Larry Hite Trend following legend originally in the 8220Market Wizards8221 classic book 8220Some people think trend following trading is a system, but it8217s really much more powerful than that8230it8217s a trading philosophy. The course here gives comprehensive insight to the most accessible active management strategy currently in use. You find revealing explanations of all the critical elements of a successful trend following trading plan. The concepts espoused here are not just opinions8230these techniques have been proven to work.8221 Paul Mulvaney Mulvaney Capital Note: Mulvaney was an early client. 8220There have been few authors that have tackled the financial markets with a candor that was entertaining while not alienating themselves from the community they wrote about. A few greats come to mind: Michael Lewis, Jack Schwager, and Nassim Taleb. I believe Michael Covel also belongs squarely in this camp for his work to champion the trend following movement.8221 Tim Pickering Founder and CIO, Auspice Capital Advisors (full review: PDF ) Read the 80 pages of testimonials: Trend following works in one of two ways: 1. Trade your home country markets only. 2. Trade a global portfolio. The good news You can choose either option. Better news Trend following is location independent trading. You can be anywhere. Our clients live in 70 countries and territories. Below are the countries and a sampling of cities where they reside. Sampling of where our clients work . United States Clients in all 50 states. Andorra Argentina Australia Sample cities where students live: Albany, Albany Creek, Attadale, Bellerive, Belrose, Brighton, Brisbane, Bronte, Buderim, Cairns, Campbelltown, Campsie, Canterbury, Carrara, Christies Beach, City Beach, Claremont, Como, Doncaster, Eden Park, Eungella, Fairlight, Footscray West, Frankston, Freshwater, Glen Waverly, Glenunga, Gnadendorf, Highett, Hobart, Indooroopilly, Lapstone, Malvern, Manly, Maroochydore, Marrickville, Melbourne, Mitcham, Mossman Bay, Mossman, Narwee, Newtown, Ningi, North Sydney, North Tamborine, Paddington, Panania, Perth, Queensland, Redfern, Rostrevor, Richmond, Rozelle, Ryde, Sandringham, Shaolhaven, Smithfield, Stirling, Subiaco, Summer Hill, Sydney, Tootgarook, Victoria, Wavertown, Wellington Point, West Perth, Weston, Windsor, Wollongong Austria Belarus Belgium Sample cities where students live: Brussels, Gent, Steenokkerzeel, Vosselaar Bermuda Botswana Brazil Sample cities where students live: Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Rio de Jan eiro, Santana de Parnaiba, Sao Paulo Brunei Canada Sample cities where students live: Abbotsford, Aurora, Bancroft, Bathurst, Beaumont, Bonne Bay, Bonnyville, Boucherville, Bracebridge, Brampton, Brantford, Burlington, Burnaby, Calgary, Canterbury, Carrolls Corner, Cochrane, Coquitlam, Cranbrook, Dartmouth, Delta, Edmonton, Errington, Gatineau, Grande Prairie, Halifax, Kelowna, Kitchener, Lachenaie, Little Britain, London, Maple, Markham, Mattawa, Medicine Hat, Mill Bay, Mississauga, Montreal, Mouse Jaw, Nanaimo, Nepean, New Westminster, Niagara Falls, North Vancouver, North York, Oakville, Oshawa, Ottawa, Pickering, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Salmon Arm, St. Albert, St. Laurent, St-Alexis, St-Sauveur, Salt Spring Island, Scarborough, Summerside, Surrey, Sutton, Toronto, Val des Monts, Vancouver, Varrennes, Vaudreuil, Verdun, Victoria, Wainwright, Waterloo, Wellesley, West Vancourver, Winfield, Winkler, Winnipeg, Yellowknife China Colombia Cte d8217Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic E cuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Finland France Sample cities where students live: Bordeaux, Cergy, Le Vesinet, Louveciennes, Malakoff, Manduel, Paris, Paudex, Vallon Pont dArc, Ville-sur-Yron, Vincennes Germany Sample cities where students live: Bonn, Bad Soden, Berg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Euskirchen, Filderstadt, Frankfurt am Main, Grainau, Groebenzell, Hallstadt, Hamburg, Herrenberg, Herzogenaurach, Hofheim, Jena, Kirchheim-Teck, Koenigswinter, Leipzig, Mistelbach, Moenchherrnsdorf, Muehldorf, Muenchen, Munich, Neu Isenburg, Niddatal-Assenheim, Rosenheim, Scharbeutz, Stuttgart, Sulzbach, Wiesbaden, Woelfersheim Gibraltar Greece Sample cities where students live: Athens, Naxos, Piraeus, Thessaloniki Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Sample cities where students live: Bandar Seri Begawan, Jakarta, Javiarta, Jember, Tel Betung Ireland Israel Italy Sample cities where students live: Bologna, Campione, Campobasso, Castelliri, Chiampo, Genova, Milano, Parma, Rome, Valgi oie, Volterra Japan Sample cities where students live: Atsugi, Nagoya, Tokyo Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malaysia Sample cities where students live: Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, Kulim, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Subang Jaya Malta Mauritius Mexico Monaco Nederland Sample cities where students live: Amsterdam, Bergen op Zoom, Budel, Delden, Enschede, Hoofddorp, Hoorn, Maassluis, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rijswijk, Soesterberg, Son en Breugel Nederland Antilles New Zealand Sample cities where students live: Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, Lowerhutt, North Shore City, Wellington Nigeria Norway Oman Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Russian Federation Sample cities where students live: Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Minsk, Moscow, Samara Singapore Slovak Republic South Africa Sample cities where students live: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Dubanville, George, Hout Bay, Johannesburg, Musgrave, Randburg, Rosebank, Sandton, Saxonwold, Sun City, Welgemoed, Witban k South Korea Sample cities where students live: Inch8217on, Koyang, Seoul, Taejon Spain Sample cities where students live: Barcelona, Cabrera de Mar, Santiago de Compostela, Formentera, Javea, Madrid, Mallorca, Marbella, Sant Pol de Mar Sweden Switzerland Sample cities where students live: Aarwangen, Altendorf, Campione, Cadenazzo, Chailly-Montreux, Chene-Bougeries, Chrissier, Geneva, Greng, Grimisuat, Kloten, Kusnacht, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, Ottenbach, Paudex, Pully, Steinhausen, Wettswil, Zurich Taiwan Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Sample cities where students live: Ascot, Aberdeen, Abergavenny, Addlestone, Ashton Keynes, Bath, Basildon, Billericay, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blairgowrie, Boughton Monchelsea, Bristol, Bromley, Burgess Hill, Burnham-on-Crouch, Camberley, Cambridge, Cardiff, Chesire, Crickhowell, Driffield, Dudley, Eastbourne, Egham, Elstree, Enfield, Essex, Etchingham, Folkestone, Glasgow, Grantham, Greenford, Guildford, Halifax, Harefie ld, Haslemere, Hildenborough, Hove, Kenilworth, Keston Park, King8217s Lynn, Leeds, Leicester, Lichfield, Liverpool, London, Loughton, Manchester, Margate, Marlow, Middlesex, Minehead, Nairn, N. York, Newbury, Northallerton, Northampton, Oakham, Oldham, Ombersley, Oxford, Peacehaven, Plymouth, Poole, Porthleven, Richmond, Ruislip, Saltdean, Seaford, Sevenoaks, Sheffield, South Brent, Southampton, St Albans, St Andrew, St Brelade, Stevenage, Stirling, Surbiton, Sutton Coldfield, Talaton, Tauton, Twickenham, Uxbridge, Walthamstow, Winchester, Windlesham, Windsor, Worthing, Wotton-under-Edge, Woking, Wooburn Green, Woodstock Zimbabwe Bank Wire Discount You can obtain a 10 price break with a bank wire purchase of our Flagship Product . If you would like to take advantage of the bank wire special put the Flagship Product in your cart, go to checkout and in the coupon box enter 10discount and hit apply. You will then be provided bank wire ordering instructions after you submit your order. Questions Email: infotrendfollowing . Note: Special offer does not apply to our Standard product. Legacy Client Discount All legacy clients back to 1997 are entitled to a significant discount. 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The only trend following documentary LIKE OUR FREE CONTENT Click here for the best that Trend Followingtrade has to offer. Marvel Dice Masters: Iron Man and War Machine reveals versions of Iron Mans armor NEVER BEFORE SEEN in Dice Masters Pre-Order Today Decorate your castle, throne room or living quarters with this stunning recreation of the Dungeons Dragons Red Dragon -- Available Now Play amazing games, win convention exclusive prizes, and support local game stores Events begin February 4, 2017 - Register for WKO Winter 2017 Today The heroes, villains, and monsters from the Forgotten Realms are returning with DD Icons of the Realms: Monster Menagerie II - Available Now The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Dice Masters: Heroes in a Half Shell Box Set has even MORE of the turtle action youll love Pre-Order Today Pre-order Assault of the Giants today to command one of six types of giants and claim the right to rule over all giantkind WizKids brings more dice-rolling fun to the tabletop wit h new release, Dice Stars -- Available Now Cast spells and compete against other wizards in an epic race for loot Rock Paper Wizard is an exciting party game for 3-6 players - Available Now Burkes Gambit Available Now Get Ready for An Edge of Your Seat Thriller Set in Space Click This Banner to Learn More Blank White Dice, designed by Jonathan Leistiko, is a thrilling new take on dice games Available Now Score your official WizKids shirts, hoodies, merchandise and more Collect your heroes, build your teams and defeat your enemies in the many realms of the HeroClix world. In HeroClix you can be the hero youve dreamed of or the villain of your nightmares. With thousands of characters to choose from and maps of terrain from all over the universe, who knows where HeroClix will take you. Attack Wing is a fast-paced tactical combat miniatures game, featuring collectible figures based on the Star Trek Universe and the Dungeons Dragons Forgotten Realms. Utilizing the FlightPath maneuver system, command your army in epic combat customize your army with equipment, weapons, special abilities and more Dice Masters is a smash-hit cross-brand offering utilizing WizKids proprietary Dice Building Game platform where players collect and assemble their team of character dice and battle in head-to-head game play. As with Quarriors, the game that kicked off Dice Building Games, Michael Elliott and Eric M. Lang are leading the design work for what will certainly be on most peoples watch list. Play AnywhereMarvel Dice Masters: Iron Man and War Machine reveals versions of Iron Mans armor NEVER BEFORE SEEN in Dice Masters Pre-Order Today Decorate your castle, throne room or living quarters with this stunning recreation of the Dungeons Dragons Red Dragon -- Available Now Play amazing games, win convention exclusive prizes, and support local game stores Events begin February 4, 2017 - Register for WKO Winter 2017 Today The heroes, villains, and monsters from the Forgotten Realms are returning with DD Icons of the Realms: Monster Menagerie II - Available Now The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Dice Masters: Heroes in a Half Shell Box Set has even MORE of the turtle action youll love Pre-Order Today Pre-order Assault of the Giants today to command one of six types of giants and claim the right to rule over all giantkind WizKids brings more dice-rolling fun to the tabletop with new release, Dice Stars -- Available Now Cast spells and compete against other wizards in an epic race for loot Rock Paper Wizard is an exciting party game for 3-6 players - Available Now Burkes Gambit Available Now Get Ready for An Edge of Your Seat Thriller Set in Space Click This Banner to Learn More Blank White Dice, designed by Jonathan Leistiko, is a thrilling new take on dice games Available Now Score your official WizKids shirts, hoodies, merchandise and more Collect your heroes, build your teams and defeat your enemies in the many realms of the HeroClix world. In HeroClix you can be the hero youve dreamed of or the villain of your nightmares. With thousands of characters to choose from and maps of terrain from all over the universe, who knows where HeroClix will take you. Attack Wing is a fast-paced tactical combat miniatures game, featuring collectible figures based on the Star Trek Universe and the Dungeons Dragons Forgotten Realms. Utilizing the FlightPath maneuver system, command your army in epic combat customize your army with equipment, weapons, special abilities and more Dice Masters is a smash-hit cross-brand offering utilizing WizKids proprietary Dice Building Game platform where players collect and assemble their team of character dice and battle in head-to-head game play. As with Quarriors, the game that kicked off Dice Building Games, Michael Elliott and Eric M. Lang are leading the design work for what will certainly be on most peoples watch list. Play Anywhere

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